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Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Post by 3.Lucian »

ive previously had thoughts about the gps being OP.

A compromise that I thought would be interesting would be to only have units with prerequisites of the radar dome and up being shown on the gps.

Would let you sneak in a t1 blob, but not v2/arty blob.

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Post by WhoCares »

I pretty much agree with all your conclusion.The only one i'm less fond of is the IC; as a tech rusher for soviet, the early IC is a big part of the gamble, is effective time reduced will affect me a lot and nerf considerably my playstyle wich is even not as good as i would. But as I still need to improve in a lot of feild so that would only be one more, so why not.
Smitty wrote:
Looking forward:

A couple of things I'm looking at are: a) Removing the ability to crush from MCVs, to reduce their escapability, and b) Increasing the minimum range of Artillery and V2s by two cells. The best way to take out siege units in all the RTS games I know of is to get up close and personal. Problem is, all too often Arty and V2s will be able to one-shot the units try to kill them. Flak trucks and light tanks are the units most suited for destroying siege units, but arty will one-shot a flak truck and V2s will one shot both. The goal then is to keep the units moving while firing, but because of how movement mechanics work in this game keeping units alive vs Arty and V2s is easier said than done, even for top players.
I feel exactly the way your discribing.I have another idea that could buff vehicule and especially fast ones.

I alwais wondered if the movement mechanic could allow vehicule to auto target and fire an ennemy while moving respecting their stance and when the target is out of range (because the behicule keep moving) retarget straight the closest one and fire again without intervention of the player. So moving from A to B in defence (or attackanything) stance would make the tank firing at any unit in range without stoping or breaking it's movement until reaching B (recording that AMove makes the behicule break it's movement to engage)

Right now you need to stop to allow a travelling vehicule to target and then you start moving it again and it will fire while moving. it works as well by focus fire but the focus fire will also make the vehicule stop and requires you to move it again. this step will often cost you some health or even the vehicule itself. Vehicule with turret would be much more dangerous in simple move with that feature and could snipe easier standing target like V2 or artie without having to stop. Wich in the end would not need a nerf of the minimal range of the artie.

Just a thought i had.

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Post by WhoCares »

3.Lucian wrote: ive previously had thoughts about the gps being OP.
Did a ffa game (I was very bored I swear) and i realized that gps can be op but also broken.

Play a game in nosuperpower/weapon.

Allied get gps and soviet get ... squat, the only thing able to counter the gps is a good IC.

At least the "no superpower" option shall remove the gps as well.

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Post by 3.Lucian »

maybe there's a good argument to tweak and rebalance those tech level restrictions, "low", "medium", "no superweapons" to better coincide with the tiers: "tier 1", "tier 2" etc.

I agree that the "no superweapons"tech restriction would be better served with no gps.

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Post by Blackened »

WhoCares wrote:
Did a ffa game (I was very bored I swear) and i realized that gps can be op but also broken.

Play a game in nosuperpower/weapon.

Allied get gps and soviet get ... squat, the only thing able to counter the gps is a good IC.

At least the "no superpower" option shall remove the gps as well.
I made a PR about this. The only response I got was that Soviets had Paras/spy plane.

Considering no super weapons aren't going to be used competitively it wasn't worth pursuing.

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Post by Smitty »

Here’s a thought I’ll leave here instead of making a new post:

When a player deploys paratroopers, the voice assistant guy or whatever you call him (Mr. TRRRRRRRRAINING) should say ‘Reinforcements have arrived’ when they land. Two reasons for this:

1) Gameplay: All too often a paradrop will happen and the player will forget to use them in a timely manner because the RNG angle makes it difficult to determine when they will land. It is frustrating for players and even spectators to see paratroopers just sitting there. This would be a small buff to soviet players but I think it is warranted for a better playing/viewing experience.

2) Nostalgia: I don’t know about the rest of you, but ‘Reinforcements have arrived’ is my favorite audio from Red Alert. Whenever I’m watching TV and someone arrives to save the day; no matter how absurd an ex machina, I always play that line in my head. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the line was played with paratroopers in the original.

Anyhow if this idea is unfeasible let me know.
"Do not trust the balance tzars (Smitty, Orb). They are making the changes either for the wrong reasons, for no reason at all, or just because they can and it makes them feel good." - Alex Jones

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Post by WhoCares »

Smitty wrote: ‘Reinforcements have arrived’ when they land.

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