Idea to counter WF block

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Post by ShadowAssassin »

Yeah it turns out to be more complicated than it seems.

Probably best way is that people learn to counter this strat.

I don't recall how many times people have called this move as illegal, "against gg rules", etc ... but whatever.

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Post by AoAGeneral1 »

Fortnight wrote:
JOo wrote: a problem we have is ... if its a light-tank blocking the warf
... even if the "finished" vehicle inside can shoot and eventually
destroy the light-tank ... it will end up with a "husk" that can only get
destroyed fast by "force-firing" on the husk ... which isnt possible with the
finished vehicle that is still hidden under the warf ... since you arent
supposed to "select" it when its not outside ... or am i wrong ?

so we will end up anyway having to build a defense-structure ...
or send infantry to destroy the husk faster
I think in the original game you could select the tank inside the War Factory using the drag-box. It's a problem that can be solved in any number of ways, one solution would be to just disallow husks from spawning in front of the War Factory. It's all just a question of how the devs want things to be. If the solution to issue A creates issue B then all you gotta do is think of the solution to issue B and repeat until you stop getting a new issue.
This is correct. In the original you can drag box and select the unit inside the WF.

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Post by Doomsday »

ShadowAssassin wrote: Probably best way is that people learn to counter this strat.

I don't recall how many times people have called this move as illegal, "against gg rules", etc ... but whatever.
Personally I think WF block is not an issue. It's rare to see people doing it and it hardly ever pays off. I've watched a lot of RAGL masters division replays and our so-called "pro players" use WF block strategy rarely"

@players calling it illegal / unfair strategy: Same players frown upon any types of early game aggression so this is mostly an issue about players' attitude (and I guess skill level to some degree).

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Post by CampinJeff »

Doomsday wrote:
ShadowAssassin wrote: Probably best way is that people learn to counter this strat.

I don't recall how many times people have called this move as illegal, "against gg rules", etc ... but whatever.
Personally I think WF block is not an issue. It's rare to see people doing it and it hardly ever pays off. I've watched a lot of RAGL masters division replays and our so-called "pro players" use WF block strategy rarely"

@players calling it illegal / unfair strategy: Same players frown upon any types of early game aggression so this is mostly an issue about players' attitude (and I guess skill level to some degree).
More of an issue in TD when you're you're both going factory first and you build harvesters while your opponent builds light vehicles and rushes you. As soon as you get your factory blocked, its over

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Post by anjew »

CampinJeff wrote: More of an issue in TD when you're you're both going factory first and you build harvesters while your opponent builds light vehicles and rushes you. As soon as you get your factory blocked, its over
Definitely, a lot of the time barracks are not even built and coupling this move with a refinery block can be nail in the coffin. I would say that it isnt an OP strategy or unfair in any way but right now only GDI can have the war factory blocked which kind of makes it unfair to block war factories.

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Post by AoAGeneral1 »

Funny thing about the GDI WF block is in CNC95 the units would stack much like the Nod airstrip so it was impossible to block.

RA96 as mentioned had the unit inside the WF but it would not stack. Instead hold the queue.

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Post by Materianer »

Doomsday wrote:
ShadowAssassin wrote: Probably best way is that people learn to counter this strat.

I don't recall how many times people have called this move as illegal, "against gg rules", etc ... but whatever.
Personally I think WF block is not an issue. It's rare to see people doing it and it hardly ever pays off. I've watched a lot of RAGL masters division replays and our so-called "pro players" use WF block strategy rarely"

@players calling it illegal / unfair strategy: Same players frown upon any types of early game aggression so this is mostly an issue about players' attitude (and I guess skill level to some degree).
Of course it's an unfair tactik, if you watch RAGL games the players there are prepared for someone doing this and so such a block often may fail.

But if you playing normal games most of the players are not really prepared for someone doing this.

I think it is not so often seen because most of the players just know it is unfair and nobody would play with them anymore if they just repeat this lame tactik all the time.

Not only the war factory block is a big problem here its the oreriffenery block too

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