OpenRA Red Alert 1v1 Gameplay Overhaul (2025)

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OpenRA Red Alert 1v1 Gameplay Overhaul (2025)

Post by bete »


RA is very well competitively balanced but some people just don't like how it's play. Most of them are complaining things like:

- Double Ref build order domination and lack of alternatives
- Infantry and tanks (tier 1.5) domination (lack of units diversity)
- Lack of Infantry vision
- Nerfed vehicles and tech units

Obviously, I plan to focus ONLY on 1v1 games b/c team games and FFA are a bit different in this sense.


Goal of this project is to give community flexible and fast way to experiment with gameplay changes on the current maps.

Goal is NOT to enforce changes. We don't want to ruin extensive work done by community so far. Just give funny alternative and we shall see where it goes. Just give it time to evolve.


- Gather feedback from wide community,
- discuss it, implement into maps and test as soon as possible.

Since ORA allows us to change parameters within custom maps, we can simply do it by quickly modifying any map YAML and uploading it to Resource Center.

My role here will be to gather feedback from people and implement those changes that are kinda accepted by community, as soon as possible. And keep track of feedback in centralized place.

How you can help?

You can submit feedback and discuss others' on Main Discord server ( (But just make sure it's (minimally ) elaborated and not just your wishes.)
You can host games with these maps to TEST them and then SEND REPLAYS to the community.
You can stream during matches on these customized maps.
You can contribute to Github and upload maps to your Profile on Resource Center.

Initial changes:

- Eco changes
- Starting cash $10k
- Refinery 1400 > 2000
- Harvester 1100 > 1400

- MCV can be built without SD; cost 2000>3000
- APC & Ranger stronger against 'none' armor (infantry)
- Mobile Flak & Light Tank much stronger against wood
- Mobile FLak stronger against infantry
- Infantry vision 4c to 7c
- Increase build rates for all queues (reduce to 85% of time)

Initial general philosophy behind changes

(1) Eco changes: I've gathered these suggestion from more experienced players. Idea behind Eco changes is to make it look more like the newer CnC games and to provide more options and/or more dynamics in early game.

(2) Changes to light vehicles: if I understood the suggestion well, the general idea is to switch gameplay from infantry-centric to more diverse unit compositions. With these, you can use light vehicles to kill infantry and structures. With few Mobile Flaks I guess you can eventually kill Refinery if the opponent is caught off guard. But we will see.

(3) Infantry vision: this is very sensitive question. Current ORA RA micro is oriented around providing vision to infantry as main damage dealer units. Don't forget fact that ATM the infantry have less vision then shooting range. To be fair this is unique gameplay in RTS word so idk if this change is good.

Why change then? B/c some people find ORA to be claustrophobic and it kinda leads to blind gameplay (tho for high level players it's never blind, it's rather skill issue to be fair) and that leads to death of big blobs and consequently decision of the match. Usually it's hard to retreat and then comeback in ORA RA.

Also by these changes I personally assume that we can eventually find new role for vehicles so they are not passive vision providers and tanking unit for soaking rifle shoots.

(4) Build rates are there to speed up pace of game. With vision update, I guess this could be good change.

(All these are initial changes and it will be changed a lot most likely. At least if the community activates enough)

How to contribute?

Ping us on Main Discord server (

First map version:
(You can download and unzip game to see custom YAML files)

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Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:12 am

Re: OpenRA Red Alert 1v1 Gameplay Overhaul (2025)

Post by LeolaKunze »

Thank you for answering my long standing questions, the information you shared is really helpful.Raft Wars

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