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Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Post by Sleipnir »

Don't forget about the singleplayer missions, too. Features like the bounties and reusable engineers can, have, and will continue to cause problems when porting the original campaign.

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Post by Blackened »

I'm a little confused. Don't most balance changes benefit casual players more so than competitive players? In fact I can't really think of a balance change that hinders casual gamers. Am I wrong here?

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Post by WhoCares »

Blackened wrote: I'm a little confused. Don't most balance changes benefit casual players more so than competitive players? In fact I can't really think of a balance change that hinders casual gamers. Am I wrong here?
The point with player and human in general, they have a hard time to adapt and get used to/confortable with anything. As long as you impose them a change, can be good, without effect or bad, they will tend to reject it for the very principle of change itself;

"I like the way it is now",
"It was better before"

It comes from the lazyness of human being in general. And casual players as their name indicate, play openra to have a relax time or at least a time when they don't have to push themself. So they would be more than likely rejecting anything that changes their routine in the game.

My words here are a bit hard, i tend to see what i said as a fact not a jugement, just to take this as an important parameter to place in the balance.

And from a previous experience on another game with the mentality "It's good for them, it will make the whole game better for everybody" ... Well, the intention was good, the result was a failure for the simple fact that we tried to impose it being the game elite and thinking we knew better than everyone (still think we did know better :p). Other players saw that like a kind of a condescendant dictatorship and refused it, they prefered continuing with the problem than accepting "our" solution (wich needed an adaptation process from their parts).

Just to warn you that it's not something to take lightly. (and to assure you that i'm in favor of all kind of changes, it's the way to improve and refine things).


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Post by SirCake »

@Graion: pls dont count out Dune2k ;P It has lots of potential. Might even have the richer back story.

Basicaly OpenRA is a renown based maker-aristocracy with rudimentary parlamentary control (the community). The more you contribute to the game, the more power you get - as a caster / modder / programmer / blogger / event-organizer / provider.

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