Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

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Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by TTTPPP »


Rulebook Registrations Map Making Contest Schedule Weekly Highlights Standings

Registrations and confirmations

To register please reply below.

2.1 New signups

2.1.1 New players have until 2022-09-29 to send the registration info.

2.1.2 Registration takes place through Discord (#ragl-signups in, the primary channel of communication for RAGL, or in the registrations forum thread.

2.1.3 Registration info must include the following:
  • Nickname that will be used throughout the season;
  • Country of origin and time zone expressed in UTC (see;
  • OpenRA discord name (Discord is the primary channel for communication);
  • Forum name (used to find player id).
2.1.4 Registered players are put onto Signup list. If the player sent their registration info but wasn't put onto Signup list then they should subsequently contact the officials no later than the final date.

2.2 Returning players

2.2.1 Players transferring over from the previous season have until 2022-09-29 to confirm their participation.

2.2.2 Returning players don't have to provide any other information than the expressed confirmation, officials are to request any of the above if mandatory information is missing.

2.3 Qualifications

2.3.5 Players who have been forfeit or disqualified in more seasons than they have completed will need to play some pre-season games on the ladder to be eligible to return. Players must have played `4*(incomplete - complete)²` games on the ladder in the month prior to registration closing.

For example: If a player has season forfeit in 3 seasons and only completed 1 season then they must play `4*(3-1)² = 4*2² = 16` preseason ladder games to be eligible for the season.

See for individual records.

2.4 Waiting list

2.4.1 In the event of players leaving during first week for any reasons, players may be added from the waiting list. The league officials will use a combination of the waiting list and promotion to fill the vacancy.


despro (UK) (confirmed)
Blackened (USA) (confirmed)
Jur (Slovenia) (unconfirmed)
Gajcus (Poland) (confirmed)
maceman (England) (confirmed)
Duke Bones (USA) (confirmed)
Upps (Germany) (confirmed)
Goremented (Germany) (unconfirmed)
Dodder (Ireland) (confirmed)
Eugenator (Austria) (confirmed)
anjew (Australia) (confirmed)
tux (Singapore) (confirmed)
Sigil (USA) (confirmed)
FiveAces (Austria) (unconfirmed)
Mo (Wales) (confirmed)
Ekanim (USA) (confirmed)
Mees (Netherlands) (declined)
bete (Serbia) (confirmed)
Margot Honecker (USA) (unconfirmed)
Pvt_Leaf (Slovenia) (confirmed)
Tailix Killa Mentor (England) (confirmed)
TTTPPP (UK) (confirmed)
spetsnaz84 (Belgium) (confirmed)
Azure Anemone (Russia) (declined)
worldpeace (USA) (unconfirmed)
chouchani (France) (confirmed)
Nilhall (China) (confirmed)
milkman (Germany) (confirmed)

Signup List

J!NX (N_M) (USA) (confirmed)
jungle (France) (confirmed)
Mr Cloudy (England) (confirmed)
dang_shot (Germany) (confirmed)
Kav (Finland) (confirmed)

Wait List

BigHALK (Added)
worldpeace (USA)
Last edited by TTTPPP on Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:51 pm, edited 29 times in total.

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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by bete »

Count me in.

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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by Eugenator »

Eugenator reporting for duty

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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by Mo »

I'm in :)

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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by J!NX »

I'm interested, feel free to throw me in the wait list if needed.

Mr Cloudy
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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by Mr Cloudy »

i'm in, big bad bain, here to stop depro

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Tailix Killa Mentor
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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by Tailix Killa Mentor »

Ok sign me up.

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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by TTTPPP »

Here's a diagram showing how the division allocation worked. Players who completed Season 12 and re-registered are listed in the Continuity column according to their performance last season. All players are listed in the Ladder column according to their ladder ratings. Each of the two divisions for Season 13 contains 13 players and these are picked from the top of the two lists downwards (for full details see the division assignment script).
S13DivisionAssignment.png (116.05 KiB) Viewed 21654 times

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Re: Red Alert Global League: Season 13 - Registrations

Post by TTTPPP »

After the divisions were drawn up then BigHALK joined and was placed into Minions, replacing the "bye" spot.

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