Final Rounds of Season 2, RAGL!

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Final Rounds of Season 2, RAGL!

Post by SoScared »

The league tables are tensing up with some last-minute duels across the divisions. What's at stake are hundreds of dollars and promotions to higher divisions, most noticeably the Path of the Hidden Master in which a few recruit players will have the opportunity to display serious caliber and join the competition at the highest level with the next season.

The Masters' Division's championship is currently contested between Medium Tank and FiveAces after some delay matches by Medium Tank, exposing his resolve by catching up to FiveAces' grinding run over a couple of rounds. FiveAces' 2nd championship currently hinges on Medium Tank losing points over the last couple of rounds as his 1-point lead is threatened by Medium Tank having 4 matches left to play compared to FiveAces' 2 matches. In this scenario Medium Tank would be regarded as a 1st place favourite were it not for the fact that the last round for both FiveAces and Medium Tank is against each other. The RAGL champion will claim the bragging rights as well as a $270 prize with the runner-up claiming $155.

3rd to 5th Masters' Division placement is at a complete toss up between Gatekeeper, Klaas and Barf. With leftover matches taken into account it's too close to call one obvious favourite out of the three. However Gatekeeper's last match vs Anjew will likely have Klaas and Barf to grind some good points in order to cap 3rd place. Prizes for 3rd, 4th and 5th are $90, $65 and $35 respectively.

Forfeits makes the relegation fight a bit redundant but one player will still end up in a qualifier spot with SoScared, Anjew and Testosterone Rex fighting to secure their place inn the Masters' Division in season 3. A qualifier would mean a best-of-5 vs the 3rd place finisher from the Minions' Division with its own crafty players fighting for promotions.

The Season 2 Minions' is a closer fight compared to the previous season and worth noting is that the former recruits OzzyOuzo, Han and T are all within striking distance of the promotions and qualifier spots. MicroBit is for the most part in competition with Han for 3rd place which in light of some Masters' forfeits, means direct promotion into the Masters'.

FRenzy looks to be securing 1st place after an impressive run, only losing a point to Han and OzzyOuzo. The 1st place prize in the Minions' is no less than $105. More importantly, FRenzy's performance shows promise for his joining up with the Masters' Division players for season 3.

Below the drama of the global league's top divisions we're witnessing a serious fight going on in both Recruit Divisions. The player name repeated the most pre-season, not only for a division win but also acing the Path of the Hidden Master was, and still is, LorryDriver. Placed in Recruit Division Beta, LorryDriver delivered as promised, grinding all the points with no losses steady throughout the season. However up from the median came Wee Man, catching up three delay matches within a week, suddenly announced his candidacy for the Recruit Beta's 1st place and the Masters' Path. With 0 losses from both LorryDriver and Wee Man, the most observant of us would quickly spot that the last round's match-up cannot be any other than a fiery season finale, LorryDriver vs Wee Man! Regardless of the outcome both players will promote themselves above the Recruit Division for season 3.

In Recruit Division Alpha the pre-season speculation wasn't as clear but one player quickly made a name for himself as the only player with no losses far into the season. Zaqzorn, both player and YouTuber, surprised a lot of people with consistent beatings vs the entire field. Displaying all his matches on YouTube, Zaqzorn appeared to simply outplay every opponent and was looking to securing his 1st place early, was it not for his only loss against Smitty, which after his last match for the season, 2-0 vs Snake, snubs 1st place with one more round to go, 1-point ahead of ZaqZorn. Having 1 more match to go, ZaqZorn will himself decide his fate in the last round match-up vs Blackened in which a 2-0 secures a win, a 0-2 puts him in 2nd and a 1-1 puts Zaqzorn and Smitty in a tie, which depending on the guest points could result in a tie breaker match-up best-of-3 between the top 2 players, deciding who's gonna do battle vs the Recruit Division Beta winner in the Masters' Path.

Overall, as expected Season 2 has proven to be more competetive than Season 1 where the most decisive, competetive players are moving up fast at the expense of less experienced players. As with the previous season, player forfeits has a negligable effect on the competitive aspect of the event and rewards commitment wether people play for gain or for fun. The league hosts, Jazz_KCS and SoScared wish everyone goodspeed, good luck and we hope the final rounds provide a fantastic experience for everyone involved.



Tables, fixtures - all divisions, Season 2

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Post by Blackened »


Also if I get 1 point or Raymundo gets <2 I secure 3rd. If I get 0 and Raymundo gets 2 it will go to a best of 5 between us.

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