Lua mad idea: Crimea

Something to show of the new LUA

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Lua mad idea: Crimea

Post by zypres1 »

1: you start as Ukraine or Russia. Map is half-island with 3rd party units and bases you can see, but not control.

2: when Russia moves to the base from sea, some of the Crimean units fight, most join Russian forces, and some move to where the Ukraine player starts.
When those units meet the Ukraine base, they change owner to them.

I want the landing party to have a few transports and some choppers with units.

3: The Russian forces are then given the bases on that half-island, on the other side of the bridge is the Ukrainian base (starts with a few buildings that need some repair)

I don't care about the politics in this, I just want to expand and make example of what LUA can do for the game.
We can also make it without countries if anyone is offended.

The map should be scripted so you can play 1 vs AI or 1 vs 1.

In the future it would be cool to have a third player control the third part, and that player should decide what side to join.

If anyone could do the coding, I can make the map. The most important is that modders see this as an option when they make cool LUA-maps.
Even just example map with 3 units and change owner when contact is made would be cool.

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Post by zypres1 »

Or we can use this map, just a little modified.

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Post by katzsmile »

Ukranian player cant build ships, cant train advanced infantry, cant build top tier tanks and vehicles. All ukranian vehicles start damaged and player cant repair them. Also Ukranian player have no money.


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Post by ddd »

Also all Ukrainian troops in Crimea change their side into Russian, helping with local home guards to block Crimean peninsula of Ukraine intervention from Ukraine's mainland. Also there's no need in intervention from Russia to some point of time because Sevastopol was the military Russian base in Crimea with enough troops in there. ) Then there's referendum went headed by local legislative and executive authority and Crimea became Russian republic as a result of it with no casualties on both sides (maybe 1-2 were murdered/injured by pro-Ukraine sniper trying to set both sides on fight with no success). Before the whole operation buses were going from Kiev to Crimea with Crimeans inside and they have been destroyed with people in them by Ukraine's "Right Sector" radicals from Maidan square with guns, clubs with spikes on the ends, Molotov cocktails and with cars over their heads. There were no any war there or "occupation" at all (so that doesn't suit for RA map at all). Ukraine is in economy collapse and Russia has 2.5-3 times better standard of living then Ukraine. People of Crimea just wanted to leave this unstable country and join more stable one.

There is a civil war in the South-East of Ukraine because there are no any Russian troops. It's a war between Ukrainian radicals backed by Kiev's junta and Ukraine oligarchs and Ukrainian separatists wich don't wanna be people or citizens of 2nd sort in this new Ukrainian state.

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Post by zypres1 »

no need to get political.. We can fight it out the the game...

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Post by Matt »

I really think you should avoid to make real conflicts playable. C&C has always been about alternative history (what could happen when) and fictional universes to avoid just that. As already pointed out the scenario is completely unsuited for a mission. See ... tervention for an example that is fun to play and part of the latest playtest.

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