from 0 to pro


Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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pepe the frog
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from 0 to pro

Post by pepe the frog »

LVL-1 Tips:

-You can queue 5 units at a time by holding 'Shift'.

-You can add a unit to the front of the queue by holding 'Ctrl'.

-By using the middle mouse button, you can cancel unit production queues without pausing production.

-Hold Ctrl + middle click to cancel an entire queue.

- Never simply 'move' your units, always use 'attack-move', else you'll have the nasty surprise of watching your entire blob massacred without your units fighting back. (attack move : press "a" + click the destination)

-Attack move will ignore buildings, you will need the attack move modifier which is "ctrl" + "a" + "click" on destination, useful to kill an unguarded base/expansion.

-You can queue movement, focus fire and capture-orders by holding 'Shift'.

-When you hear "construction complete", you can use the 'E and ‘R’ hotkeys to place your buildings and defenses right under your cursor. These hotkeys can be changed in your options menu.

- Using the 'repair wrench' on a vehicle will send it to the service depot to repair. Don't hesitate to patch your tanks, a tank in the red is useless.

- When expanding, you can transfer extra harvesters to your new ore patches ("eco-slide"). This lets you continue mining efficiently as your main gets mined out.

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pepe the frog
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Re: from 0 to pro

Post by pepe the frog »

LVL2 Tips:

- Defenses can be micro'd to manually target infantry, and ignore vehicles. Go for the rockets!

- Once the Engineer is done capturing neutral structures you can keep it safe in a transport vehicle. You can use it later to re-cap an enemy's neutral structure or to sneak behind enemy lines to try to capture an important building. Try to do it while the opponent is distracted.

-Units will move forward 1 cell when issued an attack move, even if they're already within range. Be careful when issueing attack moves!

- You can use a few tanks to sneak around the backline and try to snipe harvesters in an enemy's ore patch. The reward is either killing ore trucks or preventing them from harvesting. It can also force your opponent to split his forces to deal with your harassment.

-Early on, wait for a structure to finish before attacking, so you can place it and then entirely focus on the upcoming fight.

- You can increase production speed by building more facilities, maxing out at 7 facilities with double unit production speed. As an exception maxing out vehicle production only takes 4 war factories

- Minelayers can deploy an entire mine field in one order. Initiate the drawing pattern by holding ctrl and issue a single right click (modern control scheme) or left click (classic control scheme). It will automatically rearm on the SD and mine the area.

- Minelayers are the only unit in the game that can detect enemy mines.

- Mechanics can restore vehicle husks, enemy or friendly. Right click the husk to salvage it.

- Rangers provide great vision for your early troops, can transport an Engineer.
- Flak Trucks provide a bit of vision and allow poking at enemy infantry while staying out of range.
- Light Tanks provide 'tanking/crushing' to win early 'rifle vs rifle' engagements.
- APCs provides troop transport and 'tanking/crushing'.

- Flak Trucks/Light Tanks are effective against light armor: Flak Trucks, Mobile MCV's, and Rangers

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pepe the frog
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Re: from 0 to pro

Post by pepe the frog »

join to then see more tips)

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