Allies and soviet tech trade

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Allies and soviet tech trade

Post by JuiceBox »

Omnom has kindly made me a map with the following changes

Gain extra tech APC

Gain extra tech Ranger

This is not a tech swap this is an addition to the current arsenal

The map is Pitfight APC/Jeep on resource center

Have a few games and let me know what you think.

This is by no means The direction the game should go I just want to know how people respond mainly with the early game scout as Soviet (as people often discuss). The APC for allies is a happy byproduct as a quick balance trade. But it's interesting that most games I have speced had a rocket APC and attacked the eco lines, somthing allies currently cannot do till dome tech.

Am interested in knowing after playing

Did you like the early scout for soviet ?
Did you think the scout for soviet is game breaking?
Did you like the opportunity to early game harass as allies?
Did you think the APC for allies is game Breaking?
Did you even notice the change effect the game?
On a scale of 1-10 how much of an impact is the change?
Do you feel this is too big of a change ?
How do you feel about the change ?
Answers like the above etc

I don't want any comments about "soviet have spy plane" "allies have a chinook" etc I am well aware of all this.

Sorry to post it like this but I want to keep this on topic please don't spin off topic about other things. This is just a simple addition of one unit per faction as a TEST. After the results we can all discuss the findings. Ty

"I love the smell of JuiceBoxes in the morning"
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Post by Clockwork »

But Juice soviets have spy plane and allies have Chinook?????

Jokes aside I think the lack of early scout for soviets is a bit of a balance flaw but maybe its what makes them unique that you have to think out your opponent than scout, idk im an England picker :D so I'm interested how this works ill out i'll play some games with it later.

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Post by JuiceBox »

And straight off the bat my brother makes comments I didn't ask for :lol:
Although I probably did ask for the first comment.

Please Put feelings aside about faction uniqueness etc and give it ago I just want to see results. I am in no way trying to force this change I don't even know how I feel about it myself. What am trying to achieve is some results to analyse and we can move forward from there.
"I love the smell of JuiceBoxes in the morning"
LT. COL. Bill Kilgore
Apocalypse Now

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