Just a little observation

Player conduct

Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Just a little observation

Post by JuiceBox »

Hi guys just an observation. Although I haven't been part of the community for a very long time and I regard myself as a relatively new player. I have witnessed some bad conduct within the community alot of it aimed at new players. I won't name any names as this isn't a name and shame type post. I just feel this is type of behaviour is detrimental to community growth. All the hard work people have spent advertising the game is potentially being undone. I strongly believe that first impressions last so let's be more mindful of this and help open Ra grow by creating a friendly fun environment.
This isn't aimed at everyone I think it's something to be mindful of


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Post by SoScared »

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Post by JOo »

its nessesary to grab the root of the problem ... and fix the problem by adding "registration" ... tracking down player-skills ... have proper balanced games ...

further more having online public player-profiles

players should get punished with a negative score or marked as teamkillers for "surrendering" during a game and or "teamkilling" and this should be visible for everyone

... add the option to "text/audio - mute" specific players ... as some of them can get really annoying

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Post by zinc »

JOo wrote: its nessesary to grab the root of the problem ... and fix the problem by adding "registration" ... tracking down player-skills ... have proper balanced games ...
What about people perhaps selecting their own skill to display? "noob" etc. ?

That could give some idea of whether a game is likely to be balanced.
Last edited by zinc on Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by anjew »

Like it was said in that thread. There will always be toxic players. As a toxic player who picks his victims (the ignorant and egotistical) I'll tell you the best way to counter toxicity is to throw it right back at the player, just ignore them or put them down with a 1v1. Anyway, there isn't too many toxic players I have spotted in TD .

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Post by zinc »

When I started playing, it was "Pinkman" that could go f**king ballistic with lesser players. I don't think he plays as much now and is slightly more relaxed anyway. I don't agree with that sort of behaviour but I can now understand the frustration of having noob team mates... not that it really should be a frustration as it's just a game but still.

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Post by JOo »

zinc wrote:
JOo wrote: its nessesary to grab the root of the problem ... and fix the problem by adding "registration" ... tracking down player-skills ... have proper balanced games ...
What about people perhaps selecting their own skill to display? "noob" etc. ?

That could give some idea of whether a game is likely to be balanced.
and you think "all" people would pick their skill-tag without trying to troll ?

a better idea maybe , that everyone can "tag" players with ranks only for his own eyes ...
but that would only work on people that dont change their names frequently

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Post by anjew »

Registration isnt a fix to this problem. Making a new account just for trolling would be easy and it's made even easier with $10 vpns. The only way to fix it is constant moderation but fuck infringing on someones right to freedom of speech

Toxicity will always exist. Learn to cope personally.
The only real detriment is teamkillers but I have never seen someone doing that just to piss someone off, I have seen it done for a laugh

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Post by JuiceBox »

I agree with the freedom of speech anjew everybody has a right to an opinion and everyone has a right to be upset with loosing. It's a competitive game and nobody plays to loose. I am a long standing player from a community called hellbreath it's a complete PvP game and I watched the community slowly dwindle away through similar issues. The environment the elite players made was toxic and new players never gave the game a chance. As a result the community is literally none existent now which is a shame. I just don't want to see the same thing happening to this community. I don't think that you can control this problem other than everybody just being more mindful of other players. As I have heard many times this game is supposed to be fun. With the leagues and tournaments going on at least their are areas for the more serious gamer maybe just take a more relaxed aproch to the casual game lobby's?

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Post by Sleipnir »

Freedom of speech is a bullshit excuse that carries no weight on the internet. If people don't want to abide by the rules of the community then they don't have any right to remain and should be kicked out, or at least publicly named so that other players know to avoid them.

The problem is purely technical: we don't have a mechanism (outside of IP bans, which must be maintained by the individual server admins) to moderate or block abusive players. Building a global registration and account system is a significant technical challenge that so far nobody has been willing to invest in.

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Post by AoAGeneral1 »

For a community to grow its everyones responsibility. Including the bad players. People need to learn to be good examples and continue on with that.

We all have bad days of course and tend to say things we should think about. Ive been salty a bit in the past and still continue to work on that. But if you stick together with the good people you can weed out the bad in groups via community.

One example:

A particular player who doesn't really exist on here anymore back in 2012-2013 would often play against me several times. It started out with GG and eventually being called a hacker and that im just a terrible player. If you can ignore this and continue to look at your own gameplays and keep improving, the enemy never will. Blind rage will always make them play bad.

In turn over the next few days he would come back and I would start screwing with him really hard with my games. "Time to troll with aircraft" or "Time to troll with buggies only." type of games. Its hard to do when coming up against better players who have bad attitudes. But I say, find a good partner. Get some good practice in and have fun. So when the bad player comes around again and you start wooping on him? You can steadily weed them. Bad mannered players don't like good examples. Because it makes them look bad.

Success is the best revenge.

Send me a PM if you want to do some games sometime. I play mainly TD but I don't mind doing some practice runs in RA if you would like. :D

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Post by anjew »

Sleipnir wrote: Freedom of speech is a bullshit excuse that carries no weight on the internet. If people don't want to abide by the rules of the community then they don't have any right to remain and should be kicked out, or at least publicly named so that other players know to avoid them.
The internet enforces the ideal of freedom of speech. Anonymity secures it
Glad to see you disagree with Article 19 of the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights though. Does Universal stop at the internet in your opinion? What other rights do we throw away just because we use the internet? Apparently also the right to avoid arbitrary detention.

Also, abide by what rules? There are no rules for playing OpenRA. There is no mention of in-game conduct anywhere on this forum and no mention in the license agreement. Also, sometimes kicking and banning people arbitrarily isn't a good idea. You may get someone wrong, you may stop people from playing by having them think this is an authoritarian community or you may get someone who holds a grudge. Sometimes there are bad apples but most times they just want to play the game.
Sleipnir wrote: The problem is purely technical: we don't have a mechanism (outside of IP bans, which must be maintained by the individual server admins) to moderate or block abusive players. Building a global registration and account system is a significant technical challenge that so far nobody has been willing to invest in.
Like I said, this will never completely work unless there was active moderation, registration isn't some magical feature that will stop people from being who they are.

The true fix is getting over it and not letting it affect you. The more it pisses you off the more people will make use of it. Just think about how it's selfish to be offended.

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Post by Norman_ »

freedom of lol

everybody has his own perception and its sometimes also easy to be missunderstood using just words in a chat. if you take everything too serious, its your own fault, i mean its inet. :stressed:
its not worth to waste energy for an obvious troll or complaining about whatever behaviour. dont give them their satisfaction that you care. try to play the game and write some funny shit back, if you are in the mood for that, kick/ban or even better: beat him next game and have fun :)

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Post by JuiceBox »

Yes it is the internet, yes it's only a game, yes ppl need to just ignore it. What I am saying is someone downloads open Ra plays one game for the first time gets a shit load of abuse... never plays again...... that given player won't think twice about it they will just play something else. You just lost a player. Better yet he's talking to his friends online and his friend says "wow remember red alert I just found open Ra!!" And he reply "don't bother it's shit" you just lost two players.

Since I found this game I invited my brother to try it. Since then my brother has gotten two of his friends to play. So if I had a bad time with abuse in my first day / week you wouldn't have just lost me as a player but 3 others. It's worth thinking about guys :? :?

A game like this cannot aford to be throwing away players.dont kid yourselves into thinking we are a popular game. We haven't got that luxury. All you'll end up with is a core of pro players all bored of playing the same ppl in a stagnant community wondering why none plays anymore.

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Post by Sleipnir »

anjew wrote: The internet enforces the ideal of freedom of speech. Anonymity secures it
Glad to see you disagree with Article 19 of the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights though.
Do you consider it a human right to be able to post about penis enlargement pills? You and most others seem to be quite happy to suppress the free speech of those poor helpless spammers.

Communities have rules to prevent "speech" that interferes in the well-being of the community. Deleting spam posts is at one end of the spectrum, and you'd have to be trying really hard to argue that as a bad thing. Checking every message for bad words and blocking them sits somewhere at the other end of the spectrum, and I don't think anyone around here would try and argue for that.

Suppressing abusive behavior from people who don't know how to interact with society sits somewhere in the middle. We disagree on what side of the acceptable line that sits, but you've got to be kidding me (seriously, wtf mate) if you consider that to be in any way comparable to arbitrary detention or other real human rights violations.

Do you really consider your right to be an asshole is more important than having a healthy multiplayer community? That's incredibly selfish.
Last edited by Sleipnir on Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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