2018 naval RA balance

Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Post by Inq »

While I fit Blackened’s description of an offline player that tinkers with skirmishes.

My 2 cents would be you guys are going about balancing the game the wrong way.
From my perspective the whole concept Westwood was going for was asymmetrical warfare.
Yup, the soviet navy sucked... but so did the allies airforce. They added the missile sub to bridge the gap in capability a bit, but the soviet navy was still meant to be worse.

From a competitive POV, Sure that'll give issues with 1vs1 matches, but perhaps tournaments etc should be based around 2vs2 matches with both factions on one team? Or 1vs1 mirror matches if you want perfect balance.

While I’m all for modernising the game, (fog of war, veterancy, visual effects) I’d be hesitant to add more units to the game for the sake of faction balance... leave that for the mods.

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Post by zinc »

Well OpenRA has already changed air so you can't say that allies air force really sucks.

And like you say, Westwood were moving in a more balanced direction themselves by introducing the missile sub.

1v3 Soviet air units, and 1v3 Allies naval, may have worked ok for the original campaign missions, but that's already been moved away from.

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Post by Blackened »

Like zinc said in Openra allies have the superior airforce. Hinds are better than yaks and longbows are much better than Migs. But that isn't to say that Soviets are at a complete disadvantage there. Both Yaks and Migs can do things that the allied player can't.

Asymmetry is good, but there is a tipping point where the one faction may become too much stronger than the other and that's bad. Asymmetry feeds into the rock paper scissors theory. Where A is better than B but C is better than A and B is better than C. But right now its more like A is better than B and C and C is marginally better than B. Poor B is just left behind.

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Post by CatGirls420 »

You might find solutions in this map, or, at the very least, some ideas to make it work better than I have.


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Post by WhoCares »

CatGirls420 wrote: You might find solutions in this map, or, at the very least, some ideas to make it work better than I have.

Add a changelog with your map/post if you want people to test it. nobody will go blind testing in a map in order to guess what are the changes/ideas.

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Post by CatGirls420 »

That's what the yaml is for :p I cleaned it up. But I do provide some notable changes upon picking the map in-game. Maybe I'll post them on the map page as well.

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