Suggestion: transport helicopter for soviets

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Suggestion: transport helicopter for soviets

Post by Doomsday »

I think soviets should get access to Chinook or some other version of transport helicopter.

There is a problematic balance between the two main factions. Allies being able to transport engineers and other units using transport helicopters and soviets cannot do the same. I think game in current state favours allies in water maps with islands where you either need a transport ship or transport helicopter. Current system also forces map creators to abandon some ideas for maps with unaccessible areas through land simply because map would be heavily unbalanced between allies vs soviets.
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Post by kyrylo »

Good direction of thinking, in my opinion.

What if Yaks could carry 1 or 2 units? To load units, a Yak must be on an airstrip. To unload, you would need to press F, so the units would catapult (so if you are attacking someone, you can only unload once). Upon a yak's death, it would catapult and parachute carried units.

P.S. Remember, in the original game if you destroy an aircraft, a rifler is spawned (the pilot).

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Post by anjew »

I agree.
Some maps already have oil on hills which makes it actually impossible for Soviet to claim

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Post by MustaphaTR »

kyrylo wrote: What if Yaks could carry 1 or 2 units? To load units, a Yak must be on an airstrip. To unload, you would need to press F, so the units would catapult (so if you are attacking someone, you can only unload once). Upon a yak's death, it would catapult and parachute carried units.
IMO, Badgers fits that role better. We could make them buildable and give like 5 transport slot (paratroopers has 5 units) or 8 to match Chinook. They can paradrop units manually as you said.

Currently Chinook's counterpart is technically Paratroopers. But as they don't have an engineer in them this problem arises.

In my modmaps i gave soviets badger as a Carryall, which can carry infantry too by carrying an APC. But i'm not sure if that's balanced as this time Allies has no way to carry vehicles on air. (And allies paratanks, as a counterpart to paratroopers). I'm just throwing ideas, i don't think that really fits vanilla.

Ability to select what to put in Paratroopers also might fix that issue, but not sure how. That might need a new UI element. D2K's starport interface comes to my mind but that's not implemented on OpenRA yet.

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Post by Smitty »

Is this an observation from team matches? I've never once thought the allies had a drop advantage on Sovs because of Chinooks. I'd take the apc over the Chinook any day. I could see this being an issue on water maps but I have minimal experience with those.

I was actually considering a price reduction play test for the Chinook as I rarely see them.
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Post by eskimo »

Engi riding on a dogs back across the seas?

But, as Smitty said.

Is this a map problem though?

I'd love a chinook as a Ukraine player, but in all honesty i'd prefer another unit of some kind. Or Migs that actually aren't super scared of the AA gun.

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Post by zinc »

For particular maps I think it's fair enough to give the transport helis to Soviet. As they don't have weapons there is probably no need for Soviets to have a heli pad to do it. You could just let them come off the runway.

I'm thinking this is far simpler to implement than giving Soviets a new transport plane ability.

However, if this were an option that could be turned on for particular maps, you would probably need to give allies the APC at the same time to make things fair. The APC may be largely useless on a particular map, but still, that would kind of do something to balance it.

However, allies are still going to have a unique ability on certain maps because of Chrono; and you can't really change that unless we want MCVs that can be transported by air somehow.

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Post by SirCake »

Engi riding on a dogs back across the seas?
xD Haha
yesss, give the soviet dog one transport slot, so the "passenger" actually gets to ride the dog :D Imagine Shock-Dogs LMAO

On the serious side however........
-> Soviet badger which can drop(-only) vehicles and inf, loadable only at airstrip (vs chronosphere)
-> Soviet turreted AA-only flyer (twin-engine long distance escort like P38 Lighning)
-> Allied scout helicopter (quick and fragile)
..Then every faction has 4 flying units, one for each purpose.

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Post by avalach21 »

-Give the Soviets Helipad
>Give access to Hind
>Give Access to Transport Helicopter

-Give Allies APC
>Soviets have APC too
-Allies keep Hind (maybe art change to make it more allies-like but all stats stay the same)

I see no issues with both Allies and Soviets having equal access to generic transport vehicles (APC and Chinook/Transport helicopter).

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Post by WhoCares »

Rebalance all game with equal faction and replace everything by warcraft theme units ...

the subject was just asking if it would be pertinent to give soviet a way to air transport the engeneer to allow mappers to think about "unaccessible by land/see" zone with capturable structure and give more divesrtity in maps.

No need to troll with 5000 fake balancing ideas,

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Post by MustaphaTR »

Now you said about it, i didn't think about a Soviet Carryall could also balance out Chronosphere a bit while being a counterpart to Chinook. I never thought about that. It is a bit early game with my implementations on my modmaps tho compared to Chronosphere, but not as easy to use.

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Post by Orb »

A Soviet carryall would be cool, but it should be gated behind tech center at least. Being able to move MCVs with an air unit would be too powerful early on.

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Post by jaZz_KCS »

SirCake wrote: [...] Imagine Shock-Dogs LMAO [...]

Aaaand I'm out..! :D
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Post by FRenzy »

(But can you put a dog, on a dog, on a dog ? On another dog ? :lol: )

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Post by SirCake »


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