Running Multiple Instances - Now a Thing?

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Running Multiple Instances - Now a Thing?

Post by zoidyberg »

I'm not sure if this is by design or a bug in my system, but I can run multiple instances of OpenRA. This does include starting matches...

If your competitor isn't paying attention to IPs, I suppose you could cheat via playing on both sides....

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Post by Blackened »

This has been true since the last release. One Soscared stream I played a game against myself. 8)

Checking IPs is pretty easy and they are recorded in replays so if someone did cheat it would be pretty easy to track down.

Semi-related I looked at a replay to see if the IP's showed up and interestingly my IP always matched whoever was admin. Why is that?

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Re: Running Multiple Instances - Now a Thing?

Post by anjew »

zoidyberg wrote: I'm not sure if this is by design or a bug in my system, but I can run multiple instances of OpenRA. This does include starting matches...

If your competitor isn't paying attention to IPs, I suppose you could cheat via playing on both sides....
Pretty sure this has been possible for as long as I have played OpenRA and if you install another version, as long as it doesnt overwrite the folder you can open 2 different versions.

Also its just as easy to use a VPN on another computer and sit in the lobby without anyone knowing better so cheating is a lot easier than you think

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