Crest of Fire

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Crest of Fire

Post by Moderately »

Am I the only one who is seeing the infamous Swastika in this map?

This map should be banned IMHO.

Maybe it is a good idea to also have the possibility to ban players who use inappropriate language, even though they think it is 'funny'. Can we open a thread or use this thread to report them?


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Post by Sleipnir »

If you are logged in to the resource center you can make a report against any map. If a map is reported by three people it will be prevented from syncing to dedicated servers or downloading ingame.

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Post by Moderately »

Done, thank you.

At this exact moment there is one player online calling himself "Adolf_Hitler". WTF is wrong with these people.

Although, I think on this map its probable not designed with bad intention.

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Post by Norman_ »

if you want to be able to ban nicknames you dont like, just host a server.
if you dont like a specific map, just select another one or make your own using the new ingame editor.
you saw somebody calling himself hitler? i just saw somebody calling himself g. bush.
pretty much pussyproblems you have

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Re: Crest of Fire

Post by PersianImmortal »

Moderately wrote: Am I the only one who is seeing the infamous Swastika in this map?

This map should be banned IMHO.

Maybe it is a good idea to also have the possibility to ban players who use inappropriate language, even though they think it is 'funny'. Can we open a thread or use this thread to report them?

Thanks for making this thread. Really groundbreaking stuff. Keep it up and maybe you'll be allowed to join the neighborhood watch!


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Post by anjew »

You really should stop getting offended by people you don't know on the internet. Being offended is a completely useless and self-involved emotion. Adolf Hitler was a prominent world leader and censoring his name is just censorship so you can feel slightly less uncomfortable about something that isn't uncomfortable. And the "Swastika" you reference is actually an ancient Hindu/Buddhist symbol meaning good fortune and well being. I think the mapmaper didn't intend it but even if they did, why should the actions of others define how others can and can not create content?

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Post by noobmapmaker »

I dont get offended easily, especially not on the internet. I do think that it's good to moderate on things that are inappropriate in normal life as well: racism, nazism, NSFW-images (porn, violence, gore), hatespeech, religious extremism and such. Why? Because this is a gamingcommunity and there really isn't a reason why those things are nescessary here. We are not going to start a political/religious revolution here, we don't have to fight for the freedom of speech either. And aside from that I think it's good to keep this community friendly to everyone and accessible to children.

And yes, it's a thin line between acceptable 'edgy' stuff and unacceptable stuff. In my opinion there is no need to moderate on every thing that is being said ingame, unless it gets really nasty. We should aim to keep 'official' things clean: servernames, the lobbychat, the forum and maps.
Last edited by noobmapmaker on Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by noobmapmaker »

Someone calling himself Adolf Hitler is not a problem imo, as soon as he starts saying nazi stuff it does become a problem. Not only because it's offensive but its annoying as well.

There's a grey area that is hard to moderate on. As soon as you state rules there will always be exceptions that users look for. A good rule of thumb is "would this be acceptable at home, on the streets or in a bar?". If the answer is NO to all situations then the behaviour is probably inappropriate.
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Post by Moderately »

anjew wrote: You really should stop getting offended by people you don't know on the internet. Being offended is a completely useless and self-involved emotion. Adolf Hitler was a prominent world leader and censoring his name is just censorship so you can feel slightly less uncomfortable about something that isn't uncomfortable. And the "Swastika" you reference is actually an ancient Hindu/Buddhist symbol meaning good fortune and well being. I think the mapmaper didn't intend it but even if they did, why should the actions of others define how others can and can not create content?

If I see "Adolf Hitler", "Prominent World Leader" is not what comes to my mind.
Same with the Swastika sign. "Ancient Budhist symbol" is not what comes to mind.

Maybe you can print your reply and get a nice refund for your history lessons:lol:

Let's not forget it is an International community, where people come from different countries with different histories. Comparing Hitler to G. Bush is idiotic in my eyes, (I live near Amsterdam), but for someone coming from let's say Afghanistan, it might be not so crazy.

Few weeks ago I saw a player called "Iran Army" say "Heil Hitler" ingame. Really hated it, but didn't respond because action means reaction.

Also, just yesterday talked to a player who used to call himself "Not Hitler", I thought it was a funny name but he said he needed to change it because people felt offended.

Only thing I'm trying to say is, we might need to consider thinking about this stuff, because it's worth preserving this very friendly community. I know I don't make the rules and will respect the rules.

And PersionImmortal: grow up dude.

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Post by PersianImmortal »

He said something offensive and something I don't like! Ban him! :((((
This is literally you.

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Post by Moderately »

PersianImmortal wrote: He said something offensive and something I don't like! Ban him! :((((
This is literally you.
Once again, grow up dude and just read

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Post by PersianImmortal »

Moderately wrote:
PersianImmortal wrote: He said something offensive and something I don't like! Ban him! :((((
This is literally you.
Once again, grow up dude and just read
I read and your argument is stupid. Don't like something someone says? Ban them from your server. You can have your hugbox and the rest of us will continue to use servers that allow for us to be adults and say what we please. Nobody likes whiny little tattle tails who can't stand being exposed to ideas or actions that might offend them.

Secondly I'm a bit disgusted by your Eurocentric bigotry. Dismissing what Norman said because only someone in Afghanistan might find it offensive? Problematic and concerning. And some Arabs respect hitler. Does that mean they're "undesirable" people. No. Islam is the religion of peace and even if they held these beliefs they would never act on it. I mean islamaphobia is fun and all but it's 2015 almost 2016. Maybe you should check your privilege and stop mocking Islamic countries.
Last edited by PersianImmortal on Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Moderately »

PersianImmortal wrote:
Moderately wrote:
PersianImmortal wrote: He said something offensive and something I don't like! Ban him! :((((
This is literally you.
Once again, grow up dude and just read
I read and your argument is retarded. Don't like something someone says? Ban them from your server. You can have your hugbox and the rest of us will continue to use servers that allow for us to be adults and say what we please. Nobody likes whiny little tattle tails who can't stand being exposed to ideas or actions that might offend them.

Secondly I'm a bit disgusted by your Eurocentric bigotry. Dismissing what Norman said because only someone in Afghanistan might find it offensive? Problematic and concerning. And some Arabs respect hitler. Does that mean they're "undesirable" people. No. Islam is the religion of peace and even if they held these beliefs they would never act on it. I mean islamaphobia is fun and all but it's 2015 almost 2016. Maybe you should check your privilege and stop mocking Islamic countries.
Don't twist my words, thank you.

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Post by AmericanBlunt_ »

World Leaders, Comparing them and the offenses it brings

World leaders are bad, we all agree


I think for Afghanistan you can compare Adolf Hitler to Bin Laden that would be more balanced.

Iran Army is known to have mental issues. He has stated this in lobby chats.

Players are from all over the world, we all agree. But its not our atrocities that makes us who we are ex: Buddhists, Hitler, Swastikas, Bush but its the stuff within the brings us without

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Post by PersianImmortal »

Moderately wrote:
PersianImmortal wrote:
Moderately wrote:
PersianImmortal wrote: He said something offensive and something I don't like! Ban him! :((((
This is literally you.
Once again, grow up dude and just read
I read and your argument is retarded. Don't like something someone says? Ban them from your server. You can have your hugbox and the rest of us will continue to use servers that allow for us to be adults and say what we please. Nobody likes whiny little tattle tails who can't stand being exposed to ideas or actions that might offend them.

Secondly I'm a bit disgusted by your Eurocentric bigotry. Dismissing what Norman said because only someone in Afghanistan might find it offensive? Problematic and concerning. And some Arabs respect hitler. Does that mean they're "undesirable" people. No. Islam is the religion of peace and even if they held these beliefs they would never act on it. I mean islamaphobia is fun and all but it's 2015 almost 2016. Maybe you should check your privilege and stop mocking Islamic countries.
Don't twist my words, thank you.
I don't need too. You've made your bigotry clear to me and the rest of this forum.
