teamkilling and stealing nicks

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teamkilling and stealing nicks

Post by pepe »

after recent events i'd like to claim that someone stole my nick and he killed many times his teammates. it was somebody with ip from usa ( - last i got). im from czech republic. and theres little i can do about it.

only idea i have is possibility to register a nick so nobody else can use it without typing in password. i have been playing this game pretty long and i suffer from his acting. basically there can be 8 players with same nick and doing everthing possible to ruin game. this can happen to everybody. i don't know why he chose me. we should do sth about it before more problems will occur. any ideas?

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Post by raymundo »

I remember that incident. Not only was your name stolen but that same night the person would steal other peoples names that were in games with them. I wised up when i noticed Green Giant was a pink color, and had him kicked. It was a uk location, i had i but lost it. Registering doesn't sound like a horrible idea but would be a ton of work I'm sure.

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Post by BaronOfStuff »

Registration sounds fine to me and I'm all for it, but actually implementing it is another matter altogether.

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Post by AmericanBlunt_ »

tk's ip
tk's ip
tk's ip
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Prince Blueblood
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Post by Prince Blueblood »

Make a registration as a prequisite to some servers!!! 8)
OpenRA Nicks :
- Everything with "Blueblood" inside
- Yuelang (when I speak Chinese, literally)

My Ping might be Red... blame distance and my shitty connection due to which country I lived in...

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Post by pepe »

BaronOfStuff wrote: Registration sounds fine to me and I'm all for it, but actually implementing it is another matter altogether.
i know it will be hard. but i cant remember any other online game without registration. because of reasons like tk. and now with replays it easy to get a proof. on the other hand i think that deleting an account is not such a big threat... but at least something

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Post by noobmapmaker »

If I may dream... :)

- registration of players
- show some kind of ELO-rating and automatch for teams based on this rating
- quit percentage for players
- reputation. There is another boardgaming site called boardgame arena that allows players to rate the other players based upon that game with a thumb up or down. After some time people get quite reliable reputations.

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Post by Matt »

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Post by noobmapmaker »

With my next salary I will try to add some (small) bounties. I work in healthcare so not alot to spare, but you guys do great work.

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Post by raymundo »

I feel this type of game doesn't lend itself well to stats. Why log aborted games when sometimes people have to quit because of lag, disconnects, or if they're just trying something out on a map? Does this mean now to get a win you have to clear out every part of a persons base even though their team disconnected?

What we really need is an indicator of experience and some players already do have reputations because of the small community. If we did register names, one statistic that can tell experience is number of games played that are over 5 minutes long. Sure, you can game the system and just create games for a +1, eventually though people will realize what your real skill level is. What this would achieve is bringingto attention who the real noobs are and allow us to balance teams accordingly.

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Post by noobmapmaker »

Personally I think only multiplayer games should be logged, no skirmish. Also if all opponents have left (or dead) the game counts as a win.

Perhaps that games where more than 59% of the players quit (3/4=75%, 4/6= 67%, etc) do not count towards quit/winpercentage as they are due to lag/issues.

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Graion Dilach
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Post by Graion Dilach »

pepe wrote: i know it will be hard. but i cant remember any other online game without registration.
CnCNet4 (CnCNet5 is IRC-based so you can register, but it's mandatory and IP bans exist), (VPN-based, uses IP-MAC bans)... just what comes up to my mind. The first is an online service for the traditional Westwood C&Cs, the second is for the Generals mod Rise of the Reds.

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Post by r34ch »

Graion Dilach wrote: CnCNet5 is IRC-based so you can register, but it's mandatory and IP bans exist
I like the fact that exists. It's nice having the global chat-room too. I think the community really grows around that feature alone.

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Prince Blueblood
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Post by Prince Blueblood »

umm, why not giving an option to log game, and that defaults to off...

that way you can practice, but in some times, your game will be logged if your server / admin demands it.

Or we could have some server who always turn the logged game on
OpenRA Nicks :
- Everything with "Blueblood" inside
- Yuelang (when I speak Chinese, literally)

My Ping might be Red... blame distance and my shitty connection due to which country I lived in...

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Post by raymundo »

I don't think "rank" is important for this type of game. Rank won't be a great indicator of skill because this is primarily a team based game. Once you introduce that system into team game, I believe problems would arise. Some could be that players would be even more unmotivated to play a match if they have to play with someone who they know is less skilled, or your teammates could easily affect your rank if they are distracted or afk, etc. So if other players have such a big factor on your rank, it doesn't really show how skilled you are anyway. The only type of ranked match I think would work are 1v1's. Possibly a check box could be in match options to turn ranked on or off. This could have a negative impact also though, maybe a big focus of the game will become 1v1 matches and team based games which are where this game really shines would decrease in popularity.

I think all we need is an indicator of skill, so people know what they're up against. I may be alone on this but I don't think the fun of this game would be competing for the top spot, it comes from having interesting and challenging matches. Solution - tie number of games a player has played to their IP, so even when they play on a different *registered* name they will appear as having experience playing the game. Of course having played 200 matches doesn't mean your the best, only that other players would expect that player to be competent.

I think rank should come from an organized ladder, and seasons which could be done outside of the game on tournament websites. If the site and the openra dev are able to coordinate players could receive a sort of emblem next to their name in lobby for achieving high rank in these tournaments.

Summary : - Need registered names
- If ranked matches are added let them be for 1v1 only
- Tie ranked tournaments or ladders from an outside website into the game and let that be used for rank. Ex: your 2v2 team wins a seasonal tournament and you both receive a certain emblem to be displayed next to your name in lobby.

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