Can you change the starting cash?

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Can you change the starting cash?

Post by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr »

Theres barely any starting cash. COuld you make it moddable?

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Post by BaronOfStuff »

$5000 isn't enough? You must be getting your build order wrong.

Seriously though, I would like something like the option in RA95; a slider in the setup lobby that allows you to set the starting credits (from 0 - 10,000 in increments of 500).

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Post by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr »

Well I've never used 5000 starting cash in any C&C really. The max is supposed to be 10000, and with most awesome mods like Dawn of the Tiberium Age, Twisted Insurrection, Mental Omega, they have 20000 starting cash.

Also, wheres the starting units?

By the time your wf is built u have barely any money left and almost no units made.

- - -

It seems the direction of the early game has changed a bit. What are the build orders you use?

Also, this right click thing is making me go insane.

Please for the love of god make it just like in C&C -left click does shit, right click de selects. The option to change it to that doesn't seem to be there in OpenRA. The C&C mod has the option though.

And finally:

What are the keyboard shortcuts, and can they be reassigned? I need to know the hotkey for the repair icon ASAP.

In red alert 2 the keys Q W E and R were great in switching your build list tabs. Since this game has tabs, there should be shortcuts too.

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Post by Scott_NZ »

$5000 is plenty. The problem is you aren't spending enough on harvesters and/or refineries to keep the cash coming in, or you're placing them in bad positions.

There's no lobby setting to have different starting amounts on purpose, because that would duplicate the effort needed to balance the game.

There should be a left click option in the settings, provided you're using a sufficiently new version of the game.

Reassignable hotkeys are coming soon, and the current ones are available here:

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Post by BaronOfStuff »

Scott_NZ wrote: $5000 is plenty. There's no lobby setting to have different starting amounts on purpose, because that would duplicate the effort needed to balance the game.
Wait, wait, what? You'll have to explain this one. It would be a host option affecting all players; surely 'balancing' the game wouldn't be anything on dev-side, but rather players adjusting and adapting counters to any new build orders/styles that emerge?

That's no bad thing.

I must add though that anything more than $10,000 would simply be overkill. I mean really, $20,000? No way. This is RTS after all, with emphasis on the S; not "piss your starting credits up the wall and hope you build enough to win ASAP".

As for starting units, I do have to enquire about this. I could understand if for balance it was implemented in a way as simple as a yes/no option, gifting only a small set of units (perhaps to counter pre-WF Engineer rushes?), but eventually I would like to see an option such as or similar to this, along with the Tech Level slider. Having the option to cut out some of the higher tech at a lobby-level instead of having to edit maps/mods accordingly could make for some interesting twists on how skirmishes can unfold.

(Lastly, but not really urgently, a "No Base" option would really let everyone just have some fast and vicious matches without worrying about build orders and specific teching up.)

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Post by Matt » has examples on how to change the starting money and add units next to the player spawn.

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