Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-10-30)

Updated ban list with usernames. Admins can you please not delete it this time. I'm putting it back up because people keep asking for it.

Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Re: Bob's BAN LIST

Post by TommyHawkeye »

Team killer username: Catatafish
Found out he is a registered user (ffxffxff), all I could find.
Him team killing
Proof that he was on my team

So ffxffxff calls me an asshole at the start of the conversation for no reason, then complains about me while instructing to take mid. Next, as I was doing what he said, he wouldn't even let me take mid and decided to team kill me and started basically telling me to get off the game.

ffxffxff since you think you can just treat people however you want, well now you have been exposed.
Last edited by TommyHawkeye on Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:33 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-06-19)

Post by DVoid »

i think there should be a ban list but i also think it should be for more serious offenses than leaving without surrendering. i get that alot players that quit rather than surrender ive mentioned it on discord and it is irritating but i wouldnt call specific players out on it because they either have a pc problem or they are just a little spineless and cant enjoy a game they have not won and they have no concept of respect for an opponent because of their slightly spineless nature but thats their problem and we should pity them not put their name on a list its a little fascist although im not calling anyone a fascist. there are a couple of names on that list i have fought a fair few times and i have never had a problem with them beyond the odd quit not surrender and they seemed decent opponents to me. its a game we should all be here to enjoy and just politely move past the few oddballs we have and go to the next battle. i think your list should be clearer on exactly what the player has done and the list should be about five names probably. i was in one game recently and the opponent decided it was necessary to tell me they 'hate n.......' it was disgusting to see someone type that for no reason other than to get a reaction but my reaction was pity and i just said something polite and carried on playing. dont feed them is my advice if a player is doing something genuinely wrong tell the right people and help the community not call out players that may be struggling with themselves and the game.

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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-06-19)

Post by poop »

how come im not on ur list i wana be on it


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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-06-19)

Post by TommyHawkeye »

DVoid wrote:
Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:52 pm
i think there should be a ban list but i also think it should be for more serious offenses than leaving without surrendering. i get that alot players that quit rather than surrender ive mentioned it on discord and it is irritating but i wouldnt call specific players out on it because they either have a pc problem or they are just a little spineless and cant enjoy a game they have not won and they have no concept of respect for an opponent because of their slightly spineless nature but thats their problem and we should pity them not put their name on a list its a little fascist although im not calling anyone a fascist. there are a couple of names on that list i have fought a fair few times and i have never had a problem with them beyond the odd quit not surrender and they seemed decent opponents to me. its a game we should all be here to enjoy and just politely move past the few oddballs we have and go to the next battle. i think your list should be clearer on exactly what the player has done and the list should be about five names probably. i was in one game recently and the opponent decided it was necessary to tell me they 'hate n.......' it was disgusting to see someone type that for no reason other than to get a reaction but my reaction was pity and i just said something polite and carried on playing. dont feed them is my advice if a player is doing something genuinely wrong tell the right people and help the community not call out players that may be struggling with themselves and the game.
Yeah like someone who thinks he can just team kill somebody else, makes me avoid team games now and just play 1v1 battles when I want to be a part of the big epic battles. You can get team killed or shouted at, and they can just get away with it.

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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-10-30)

Post by DVoid »

I get what you mean and its a shame if you have been put off team games when thats what you like so shame on any player putting others off. I always prefered 1v1 games but the odd 2v2 or whatever is fun now and then. I just found it more difficult to get a decent battle from a team game as it only takes one player leaving for whatever reason and their team mate left alone often quits there and then making it a waste of time for the others and then i found there were more oddballs looking through team game lobbies talking nonsense etc. I get a strange players now and then join my lobby and send dozens of messages then leave really quickly and repeating it a few times. I feel sorry for them what ever is going through their head to make them think thats worth doing is wrong and i wouldnt want to be them. Thats why i dont get angry they are the ones that have to live with that poison always being its first victim.

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Major Kusanagi Motoko
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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-10-30)

Post by Major Kusanagi Motoko »

whats the use of cleaning each tiny dirt that flows down the river?

how about looking up, and removing the source?

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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-10-30)

Post by nikkibesta »

tell me why anyone would use your account? Make another account. Stop using that name because if anyone did that with my account then I would not want to be associated with it.

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pepe the frog
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Re: Bob's BAN LIST (Updated 2021-10-30)

Post by pepe the frog »

Loop - its account of troll! paused the game. broken many games if he starts to lose

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