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Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:42 am
by noobmapmaker
Sounds like fun as well. But if I look at my personal situation then getting a weekend of is actually more difficult than appointing. But you are right: players stop showing up for tons of reasons if the tournament lasts to long.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:28 pm
by Matt
A 1v1 is certainly easier for both players, organizers and shout-casters. I also suggest to use some kind of software or web service to manage the brackets like for example. Those done in MS Paint updated whenever NZ is awake tend to be a bottleneck. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:16 pm
by newwe
Ripsn wrote: My aim is to organize an event that fills in no more than a weekend. Or two at the most.
The reality is... Life gets in the way of players participating.
And league / points tournaments are a bit beyond my ability or something i can commit to.
My idea for the next tournament is as follows.. (Having taken into account the general requests are for both ffa and teams of 2).
Teams of two (duo team)
I will have a custom map organized...or select one of the standard maps.
Three matches
Teams can enter all of the three matches...or just one. (Whatever your schedule or timezone allows).
Winner of each round goes through to the final.
The final will be a 2v2v2.
Resulting in a bronze silver and gold placing (depending on which team dies first, second and last.)
Didn't only one person + you want FFA? And a lot of people wanted 1v1 (even if I didn't). How many teams can be in the initial 3 matches?

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:08 pm
by noobmapmaker
Although I like FFA when it comes to a single game, I dont think it is very suited for a tournament because it just involves to much luck. And it gives people the possibility to gang up on a player. This might demotivate the better players to join, since they'll might get banged up by people who have no interest in winning, but rather to make others not win. It kind of reminds me of the cardgame Munchkin. Quite fun, but at the end losing players could choose who would win by not playing a card. Imo a game is fundamentally flawed when that happens.

Personally I think that there is a pretty large group of players that plays so often that they will not suddenly drop out of the tournament by no longer responding. (busy with school/work, vacation, etc)

In my opinion -lets be clear, Ripsen has the final word but he asked for our opinion- a tournament with several rounds that lasts for ~1 month is better than a very short tournament.

In the early stages, when there are many teams, teams should get a fixed time to play their game(s). If they don't... well to bad you're out. In later stages where the more motivated and probably pretty regular players are left there could be a more relaxed schedule.

This does not solve the fact that casters will have trouble casting. If that is the main requirement then doing it all in 1 weekend seems more suited. But people can also cast from replays... less fun.. but still fun. (btw: where is SoScared?? I miss his videos!)

- A FFA format is possible, but it is only attractive if the format is designed in such a way that people actually play for themselves, not to ruin the tournament for others.. (but how? Keeping a secret score?)
- Playing a long tournament is possible, but it needs clear rules on when you 'lose on time'. Hopefully there will be dedicated players in the final rounds
- How to solve the issue of casting? We all love to see commented casting, but they cant wait for us every day, all day long.

And: is indeed a great website to keep track of the tournament!

I think the 2v2 tournament with added 1v1s (FiveAces idea) gives the most interesting and exciting games. Perhaps if people schedule their game then casters could schedule their casting as well? Disadvantage of the idea: 3 persons per teams might result in very few teams. Btw: how many people do we expect to join?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:42 pm
by Ripsn
Cmd. Matt, 1v1's would be too large for the kind of quick...'refresher' tournament id like to run.
also sites that hold brackets have been tried in the past, but as i'm usually running 'out of the box' tournaments ( double elimination, big team etc) these sites haven't had a bracket set that fits our needs (having tried challonge in the past)
ALSO mr almighty Clemb has worked on / is working on an OpenRA Bracket system, which we tried to have set up for the last tournament, but as i had already done the brackets up and messed them around, it became alot harder than anticipated (my fault entirely).

Noobmapmaker: a tournament that last ~1 month = a dead tournament.
one of the last tournaments i tried was without schedule, players could come and play as they please.
it was abandoned at something like the semi finals.
how to solve the casting issues? MORE CASTERS. MORE MORE MORE.
Also i will try and arrange the schedule so that everyone has atleast one shot at a game in the first 3 rounds.

Newwe this forum is not the only way i am asking for ideas, i also ask ingame lobbies and in the #OpenRA irc channel.
so it may appear i am making decisions based on my own preference, but i assure you this is not the case.

just so i am clear, what i am planning is a TEAM ffa, ( 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2)

Five Aces : yes, that is an awesome idea for a tournament. but again, would be very hard to organize. i had the idea for a tournament like this before the big team tournament was decided on.
i just feel like instead of trying to herd 4 players into a game at a time id be constantly searching for players to make up the teams before a game.
i might be wsrong, and once the tournament website is up and running i will give it a try, but that will be another few months yet.

Murto the ray: yeah i loved the Big Team Tournament. i think it was a stunning success, apart from the fact i set the 'win total' too high.
if i was going to repeat a format again it would definitely be a BTT.

on the subject of Ladders and ranking etc. that is still a bit beyond us at the moment. things like points tracking and leader boards etc aren't something we can host AT THIS STAGE.
but we are working on it. it is something that most people in the community have asked for, and once tournament site is up and running properly, it will become a reality.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:25 am
by r34ch
Ripsn wrote: just so i am clear, what i am planning is a TEAM ffa, ( 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2)
So doubles? ;)

I'd be up for that - depending on the dates.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:49 pm
by newwe
Fair enough Ripsn, looking forward to it.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 9:56 pm
by FiveAces
Fair enough!
Seeing as FFA just ain't my cup of tea, I'll volunteer as a caster instead. Do you have an approximate time horizon set as of yet?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:18 am
by Ripsn
Christian dont think of it as a ffa. Think of it as a massive duo/ team Battle.
Fiveaces :early august. Announcing officially monday.. Pending tournament site upload

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:27 am
by noobmapmaker
It'll be mayhem! :)

For a short tournament I think it's a fun format. Perhaps this winter we can try a ladder/longer tournament with a different setup.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:06 am
by Ripsn
Sure thing noob.

Tournament site is up!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:17 am
by Clementine_broom
Hi all,

The tournament site is up at Any problems, let me or Ripley` know here or in IRC.

To create an account, click 'Log in' or go directly to You'll need yet another username/password - sorry about this, but it makes it easier to get the site up and running quickly. If there's time, I'll try to improve on this.

EDIT: to enter the tournament, you'll need to visit the tournament's page and click the 'Sign up' link; you'll be prompted to create a team, and enrol it in the competition.

The format is:
  • three semifinals, followed by one final;
  • each match is FFA;
  • each semifinal contains at least two teams (no maximum number, so don't be shy :lol:);
  • the final contains the three winning teams from the previous round.
I think the format is a great idea: it's been a long time since a tournament was completed, and this one looks much more likely to finish. I'm looking forward to watching the final (probably safe to assume I won't be in it :P).

Re: Tournament site is up!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:36 pm
by r34ch
Clementine_broom wrote: I'm looking forward to watching the final (probably safe to assume I won't be in it :P).
Yea I think it's an interesting format, should be fun! I hope FiveAces casts the finals and highlights

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:17 am
by noobmapmaker
When I try to register (on my android phone) I get this message :
This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.

I've tried more than once and with correct values (the message is wrong ). Btw also unclear about which field the message is. It shows on top, but I entered all fields with correct data.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:14 am
by AoAGeneral1
And this is for RA correct?