SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Maps, Modded maps and updates on SirCakes modding stuff.

Information and discussion for custom maps and mods.
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Re: Bold Balance Playtest Maps

Post by SirCake »


I will be taking a hiatus from openra, for at least a year. But I found one final unfinished map I wanted to share with you.

The Idea was to create a map which tells you what you are doing wrong (from the perspective of optimal competitive play) in a 1v1 situation. For example not deploying your mcv fast enough, not building units while floating chash or having "ineffective" harvesters. Planned later even with voice comments of well known casters. I think it should run on release-20180307.
I didn't want to create this map alone and several attempts at working together with other people and high level players failed (because they are slouches ;) ). So I put that one aside.

I will not provide any support whatsoever but if you are interested, then do whatever you want with it!

(I will only read PMs)
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Re: Bold Balance Playtest Maps

Post by SirCake »

Greetings Commanders,

I have finally returned! My one-year-hiberation has ended. To be honest I was looking forward to get modding again :)

First thing first, I wanted to update my old modmaps so they will continue to work in the future.
I was pleasently surprised how easy the update process was, I had expected a lot more hassle!.. Guess not much did change ;P
I noticed a bunch of improvements, obviously

So here is a slightly changed UOEv008 with inspirations from the remaster:
Changes since UOEv007:
  • Changed naval move speed on water to 80% (-20%), the openRA defacto standard for "normal" speed. Also, Naval units in the original were much slower and it did not seem reasonable that a medium tank is slower than a destroyer.
  • Fixed price reduction calculation error :) Radar dome is now really only 17% cheaper.
  • If you are interested the attached text filecontains a full list of all changes (Sir, theres alot of them)
    All the details.
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I will continue modding for some indefinite time, my focus will be on Dune2k again so keep an eye out for that!
Glad to be back,
Sir Cake

Check out Dune2k-Advanced on my moddb page!

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Re: SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Post by SirCake »


part two of my map update was much more work than the UOE maps! Didn't expect that!
Anyway, it's done :)

Dive into a short visit to Dune with those vsMission maps, which are all non-standard to play. You play vs another player,
but everyone has their own, asymmetric objectives.

By far the best one is, which can be played 1v1, 2v1 or 2v2.
Quick five minute or less 1v1 battles on, can you figure out how to win as each faction?

If you are now hooked, there are two more 1v1 vsMissions:

and one 3 player free-for all with an interesting twist

Have fun !

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Re: SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Post by SirCake »

Hey guys,

wanted to give a final update on my modded maps, since I decided not to support them further for the next release or beyond. They shall now slowly fall into disrepair ;P

So you have still some time to try them out until the OpenRA team comes around with another release.

I had fun creating those and I think I have reached the limits of what is possible and acceptable for me, so it is time to move on!
It is still really surprising to me that I managed to to put together the bulk of UOE in about a months time, models, rules, scripts and all (Given the experience from modding d2kA before, of course).

Thanks to all who supported me and to those who had fun playing those maps! It really is positive feedback which drives these kinds of things.


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Re: SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Post by porenut »

Hi SirCake
I ported your D2k Advanced mod to current OpenRA release 20210321. (I ported regular MP maps, not the mission maps)
Let me know if u wanna upload them to Resource center by yourself or I can do it.
Contact me on discord if you wanna check them out.
My Discord nick:

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Re: SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Post by SirCake »

Thank you N.N,> for converting those.

I published the maps he converted for OpenRa 20210321 on the d2kA site after testing. They are very good/accurate.


Posts: 393
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Re: SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Post by SirCake »

Hello all,

I just equipped one map on the playtest 20221203 with the UOE rules for fun. "UOE Europe Reasonable Size"
OpenRa has new and improved pathing now so Europe maps should be viable to play now.
I created the map back in 2018 and the performance was abysmal so I labeled it "lan only" BUT NOW I'm giving it a new go.

As a reminder here are the UOE rules changes:
(Most notably swimming dogs, swimming tanya and light tank and a new MCV-transport-plane for soviet,
drasically changed Mig and Ranger(passengers shoot) and Silo(for team play) etc..)

Code: Select all

BUILDORDER (more open)
* Construction Yard provides 30 power.
* No prerequisites: Refinery, Barracks, Power, Kennel(allies too).
* Techpath: Power -> Radar Dome + Advanced Power -> Tech Center
* Radar Dome -> Gap Generator -> Mobile Gap Generator (all allies).
* Production: Barracks -> Warfactory / Shipyard
* Service Depot: 800$(-33%), Advanced Power: 400$(-20%)
* Radar Dome can't be powered down.

* Increased Gap Generator range.
* Defenses deploy slower and all take the same duration to deploy.
* Tesla and Gun Turret get submarine detection and can shoot submarines.
* AA-Gun and SAM Site damage reduced by 25%.
* SAM Site missile tracking range increased significantly. Missile turn rate reduced.
* Adds Camo SAM Site to soviet.
* Rocket Soldiers garrisoned in Pillboxes shoot aircraft.

WARFACTORY (more uses for weak vehicles)
* MCV build rate reduced to that of all other standard vehicles.
* Ranger carries two passengers who can shoot while driving. (at reduced ranger range). Detects hijackers.
* Supply Truck production moved to Silo. Truck cost to 600$. New Silo model.
* Switched Radar Jammer to be France's special unit.
* Minelayer ammo capacity doubled.
* Light Tank can swim.

* Spies can only enter Advanced Power. Spy shoots while in Pillbox or Ranger.
* Tanya can swim.
* Dogs see one cell farther and can swim.

AIRCRAFT (more uses)
* Gives Mig and Longbow stealth and submarine detection and anti-sub weapons.
* Mig carries separate ammo for air, armored and ground targets. Speed reduced. Less range.
* Yak turn cicle reduced. Speed reduced. Flight altitude reduced. Cost reduced.
* Transport Helicopters can transport most vehicles. (most vehicles occupy 5 slots). Cost to 700$(-22%). Explodes less violent.
* New soviet 'Cossack' transport plane. Parachute-drops loaded vehicles/infantry.

NAVY (more interaction with land)
* All naval units move 20% slower.
* Increased naval Transport capacity. Slows down with cargo. Cost to 1000$(+42%).
* Gunboat gains more vision. More damage. Less HP (destroyable by one Hind/Yak).
* Destroyer range increased, rate-of-fire decreased. Anti air capabilities moved to seperate aa-gun.
* Attack Sub transports two infantry. More range but longer reload time. Torpedos no longer jammable.
* Missile Sub increased range, new homing cruise missiles. AA capabilities removed.
* New 'Flak Trap' anti-air submarine. 'Deploy' to submerge, can't shoot while submerged.
You may request me to add these rules to more maps I will do so -- it is fairly easy.


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Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:40 pm

Re: SirCake's Mod/map Haven

Post by SirCake »


I just updated a few UOE maps to the new release 20231010:

Version 010+ fixes ranger's gun, longbow's depth charges and makes the map compatible with this release. But the rest is like v10.


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