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Using multiple palettes questions

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:57 am
by Inq
So i've used PaletteFromFile and PlayerColorPalette to add a second palette for units and buildings.

This works fine when I change the PlayerPalette property in the RenderSprites trait. (I have units on the original palette and and some on a new one)

My problems now are:

1. I want to use the new palette for the icons of the units as well but it defaults to the original (player?) palette.

2. I'd like to use effects with different palettes but there listed in sequences and not in rules and they seem to default to an effect palette, can I overide this on an per effect basis?

For example does something like:

Code: Select all

		Length: *
		ZOffset: 511
	piff: piff
	piffs: piffpiff
	water_piff: wpiff
	water_piffs: wpifpif
	small_explosion: veh-hit3
        Palette: neweffect1
	med_explosion: veh-hit2
        Palette: neweffect2
	small_explosion_air: flak
        Palette: neweffect3
	med_explosion_air: veh-hit1
	large_splash: h2o_exp1
	napalm: napalm2
	building_napalm: napalm2
		FlipX: true
	nuke: atomsfx
	nukemini: expmnuke
exist? :?


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:16 pm
by Graion Dilach
1. Buildable: IconPalette. It defaults to cameo though, not player (AlllowModifiers: false on that makes the cameos not flash with nuke, not affected by map lighting etc.).

2. You cannot override palettes on a per-effect basis, but most of the related options already have their palette exposed - in the example case, explosions have ExplosionPalette.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:30 pm
by Inq
Thanks Graion, appreciate the help! :)