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ChronoshiftDeploy error

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:43 am
by Proteus ... tDeploy.cs

I saw this in the list of things when I was trying to figure out something else.
So I thought, "Is this what I think it is?" because I was looking at the Chrono Tank sprites at the same time...

I went ahead and thought I'd test it out on something (as such being a Light Tank), and when I right click to deploy the Chronoshift, I crashed and got this error in exception.log:

Code: Select all

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at OpenRA.WorldUtils.PlayVoiceForOrders(World w, Order[] orders)
   at OpenRA.Widgets.WorldInteractionControllerWidget.ApplyOrders(World world, float2 xy, MouseInput mi)
   at OpenRA.Widgets.WorldInteractionControllerWidget.HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi)
   at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter(MouseInput mi)
   at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter(MouseInput mi)
   at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleMouseInputOuter(MouseInput mi)
   at OpenRA.Widgets.Widget.HandleInput(MouseInput mi)
   at OpenRA.DefaultInputHandler.<OnMouseInput>c__AnonStorey29.<>m__64&#40;&#41;
   at OpenRA.Sync.<CheckSyncUnchanged>c__AnonStorey22.<>m__45&#40;&#41;
   at OpenRA.Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged&#91;T&#93;&#40;World world, Func`1 fn&#41;
   at OpenRA.Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged&#40;World world, Action fn&#41;
   at OpenRA.DefaultInputHandler.OnMouseInput&#40;MouseInput input&#41;
   at OpenRA.Renderer.Glsl.GraphicsDevice.Present&#40;IInputHandler inputHandler&#41;
   at OpenRA.Graphics.Renderer.EndFrame&#40;IInputHandler inputHandler&#41;
   at OpenRA.Graphics.Viewport.DrawRegions&#40;WorldRenderer wr, IInputHandler inputHandler&#41;
   at OpenRA.Game.Tick&#40;OrderManager orderManager, Viewport viewPort&#41;
   at OpenRA.Game.Run&#40;&#41;
   at OpenRA.Program.Run&#40;String&#91;&#93; args&#41;
   at OpenRA.Program.Main&#40;String&#91;&#93; args&#41;

Code: Select all

	Inherits&#58; ^Tank
		Queue&#58; Vehicle
		BuildPaletteOrder&#58; 40
		Owner&#58; allies
		Cost&#58; 600
		Name&#58; Light Tank
		Description&#58; Light Tank, good for scouting.\n  Strong vs Light Vehicles\n  Weak vs Tanks, Aircraft
		HP&#58; 250
		Type&#58; Heavy
		Speed&#58; 9
		Range&#58; 4
		ROT&#58; 5
		PrimaryWeapon&#58; 25mm
		Recoil&#58; 2
		AlignIdleTurrets&#58; true
		Weapon&#58; UnitExplodeSmall
		EmptyWeapon&#58; UnitExplodeSmall
#	LeavesHusk&#58;
#		HuskActor&#58; 1TNK.Husk
		ChargeTime&#58; 30

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:15 am
by Sleipnir
This is indeed for the chronotank, which we used to include in our old aftermath mod.

The internal trait code is bugged - fixing this would be a good bug for someone just getting started on OpenRA development. Bug #774 covers this.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:31 am
by chrisf
Marked the ticket as such.