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(Question) BaseBuildings leave Husks

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:49 pm
by Petrenko

is it possible to make basebuildings, like the silo, to leave husks after they have been destroyed?

I already added a husk actor. added a husk sequence. and added the line

HuskActor: SILO.Husk

to the silo actor.

i copied almost everything from the oilderrick husk (v19.husk - found it in - tech.yaml)
i not only copied. i adopted for example the sequence numbers etc.

i tried to set the hulk as

Inherits: ^CivBuilding
Inherits: ^Building

but it did not work

for now i got this exception log when trying to run.

System.InvalidOperationException: Trait prerequisites not satisfied (or prerequisite loop) Actor=silo.husk Unresolved=DeadBuildingStateInfo Missing=HealthInfo

i tried to give prerequisites to the hulk and i also tried to set -prerequesite: to the husk
i haven't tried anything to the health problem yet. suggestions would be great.

but i think it could be solved by deleting the -health: from the husk actor.

another question is: where do i add the sequence? the husk-sequence for the oilderrick is in sequences/map/yaml but do i have to add my own sequence there? does it matter at all?

ehm... i guess it got a bit complicated so i will add my "code" add now:

so this is out of the structures.yaml

Inherits: ^Building
Cost: 450
Name: Tiberium Silo
Icon: siloicnh
Description: Stores processed Tiberium
Queue: Defense
BuildPaletteOrder: 20
Prerequisites: anypower
Owner: gdi,nod
CashTrickler: 21 (this is something i added for another mod. don't bother)
Power: -10
Footprint: xx
Dimensions: 2,1
Capturable: true
BaseNormal: no
HP: 100
Range: 4
PipCount: 5
PipColor: Green
Capacity: 1000
HuskActor: SILO.Husk

Inherits: ^CivBuilding
Palette: staticterrain
Zombie: true
Footprint: xx
Dimensions: 2,1
Name: Destroyed Silo
Icon: siloicnh

this is my sequence/map.yaml

Start: 10
fire-start: flmspt
Start: 0
Length: *
fire-loop: flmspt
Start: 50
Length: *

Start: 0
Length: 14
Tick: 120
Start: 14
Length: 14
Tick: 120
Start: 28

thanks in advance for any suggestion or solution!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:59 pm
by Sleipnir
The simplest (but buggy) way of keeping husks around is to change the DeadBuildingState definition in the ^Building definition in defaults.yaml to

Code: Select all

		Zombie: true
This method doesn't work very well because actors retain a lot of the behavior they had when they were alive, and units will interact badly with them. It looks cool though!
Petrenko wrote: System.InvalidOperationException: Trait prerequisites not satisfied (or prerequisite loop) Actor=silo.husk Unresolved=DeadBuildingStateInfo Missing=HealthInfo
This is thrown because your husk actor has DeadBuildingState, which requires Health. It doesn't make sense for a husk (or an actor that spawns a husk) to have this trait, so you should remove it from both actor definitions. In your husk rules you do remove it, but then add it back. Remove that line and it should work.

A couple more comments on your rules:

Code: Select all

	CashTrickler: 21
This should be

Code: Select all

		Amount: 21
You can also change other properties Period (default 50), ShowTicks (default true), TickLifetime (default 30), TickVelocity (default 1).

Code: Select all

This causes the husk to render the flame spurt from the oil derrick (using the sequences fire-start and fire-loop). This probably isn't what you want for a normal silo.

Now for sequences. We have some documentation on the sequences code at ... ialization but this is targeted at people developing the code, so may not be very useful to you.
The key point with sequences is that by default it will look for a .shp file named the same as the sequence definition, unless you override it. Change the idle: line in your silo.husk sequence to idle: silo to tell the game to use silo.shp instead.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:55 am
by raminator
got a question too...
would it be possible to make husks (building/vehicle) captureable??
like that big units in cnc3?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:26 am
by Sleipnir
With minimal code changes, yes.
The capturable flag is currently a property on the Building trait - that will first need to be split off into its own trait if you want vehicle husks to be capturable.

You will then want to create a trait which implements INotifyCapture and replaces the husk with its corresponding non-husk actor.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:38 am
by Petrenko
Thanks for the quick answer, i love this forum.

I will now try to apply the changes.

Also thanks on the cashtrickler!

P.S. :
Is it possible to open a topic for small code-based changes?
(something like "simple-tweak-list)


Alright i changed the defaults and added:

Zombie: true

Then i added these to remove the behaviours of my silo:

The Cashtrickler and the StoresOre is still active.
On top of this i can't destroy my building.
I added health to it. And i also removed it. No difference.

Is it possible to tell a sequence to stop after a certain time? So it would just stay a few seconds there and then disappear?

My goal was to let the buildings stay a bit longer, not to fill a map with destroyed buildings.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:12 am
by Sleipnir
@Petrenko: Those are the problems that i mentioned with Zombie: true - remove that from ^Building and things should work.

@raminator: I went ahead and added capturable husks to cnc for the next release. They may or may not be added to ra.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:25 am
by Petrenko
Alright thanks,

i think i will study how to make sequences last longer and i think i'm going to open a little "tweak-list"

For example i would add how to use the cashtrickler correctly^^

And i'm going to "annoy" people in the developer-chat to learn other small tweaks.

Thanks so far!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:58 am
by raminator
great =)