Shattered Paradise

An "expansion" to Tiberian Sun made on OpenRA

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Shattered Paradise

Post by Nolt »

Opening Note: This mod uses public assets, and all authors will be credited upon release.

[align=center]Shattered Paradise[/align]

Shattered Paradise is a mod that I have been working on for the past 10 months. It's goal is to rework Tiberian Sun, adding a few factions that I always thought should have been in the game, while also reworking the original factions to maintain balance. One of the main ideas is to keep the unit types as low as possible, and even now I think they have too much.

The story of the mod starts off with NOD ending of TS being canon. GDI suffered a great blow from NOD with the destruction of the Philadelphia Space Station and failing to stop Kane's World Altering Missile. The detonation of it has completely changed the landscape of the planet, creating new types of Tiberium mutations never seen before.

The Brotherhood, victorious over their nemesis, celebrates this moment and begins to make large gains in former GDI territories. GDI, once a global powerhouse, now finds itself on the brink of extinction, fighting a losing battle against both Tiberium and Nod for the past 5 years. However, recent signals from former GDI bases suggests that not all is at it seems within the Brotherhood...

CABAL did not betray the Brotherhood, and is still loyal to them, connecting him to former EVA networks they have captured to acquire their intelligence. Unknown to them, he quietly begins to make plans of his own.

The mutants, once known as the Forgotten, now live in a world that is finally suited for them. With this, they become much more powerful than before and begin to compete against Nod forces.

And far away, in deep space, recent changes on earth's atmosphere have awakened a race that should have been left sleeping for a long time…

The Brotherhood are to find that this new world they created may not last that long, for soon it shall become a Shattered Paradise...

[align=center]The Factions [/align]

GDI maintains it's typical frontal assault gameplay style, with slow units that deal good damage and have good armour. Most of the rework here is with the infantry, where their Jumpjet soldier replaces the Disk Thrower as an anti armour unit, and the new Grenadier has been added for tier 2 on a fire support role. The Ghost Stalker has left GDI which forced them to develop their own Power Armor for infantry. The Limpet Drone has been decommissioned alongside the EMP Tank, and the new Guardian Platform has been developed to help defend from aerial threats.

NOD keeps its hit and run style of gameplay with a few upgrades, their light infantry now fires bursts of flame that take time to fill back (for safety procedures), their Rocket Trooper has been replaced with a burst-fire version called the Crusader and the cyborgs they lost are replaced with their long forgotten Templars.The Black Hand has returned as their sniper units. For their vehicles, their artillery has been replaced with a Beam Cannon, Stealth Tanks now fire bursts of rockets, and these tanks along with the Rocket Cycle can now engage air units.

I decided to build the Forgotten differently than most modders. Modders always see them as a poor faction that has to scavenge the wasteland to survive, but I see them differently. They are the only people who are immune to tiberium radiation, who can mine it with their hands if they want to. They don’t have the tech to build disruptors or other fancy units, but at the very least they can build modern weaponry, and since they can skip safety procedures related to tiberium refinement, they are able to build their toys much cheaper than other factions. This will lead to low quality vehicles that may be harmful to mutants and non mutants but well… Ignoring this advantage is just as harmful as not using it.

CABAL, on the other hand, has a more conservative kind of gameplay. Cyborgs on this game are not immune to tiberium but they slowly self heal anywhere. Their damage is below average, but they got good crowd control. Why do they have crowd control you ask? It’s because their focus is not to eliminate resistance, but to convert it to their side. Some of their units have the capability to turn enemies into non combat cyborgs if these units kill someone, along with a Stasis chamber, which is a building where they can store such cyborgs for repurposing (It’s more or less a grinder that makes sense).

Finally, we have the Scrin. They’re a little similar to their CnC 3 counterparts, bringing lots of mobility and firepower to the battlefield, but lacking health. At later tiers, they have the best airpower in the game, so it’s never a waste to build AA against them.


NOD.png (204.5 KiB) Viewed 14596 times
GDI.png (133.59 KiB) Viewed 14595 times
scrin.png (309.55 KiB) Viewed 14595 times
Creator of Shattered Paradise and Nomad Galaxy. WARNING, there are tons of gifs on both pages.

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Post by noobmapmaker »

Indeed amazing work!!
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Post by pulse »

Wow .. looks great!

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Post by Nolt »

Added the last 4 playable units, all of them meant to cover a support role, a scrin mech that gives an aura buff, a flying drone that reduces firing rate of enemy vehicles, a bird that drops mines and... a Scrin creature that I'm still medidating what it could do.



btw, if anyone's interested on this project. I need some help testing if the game is truly balanced... And also some help with the UIs could be welcome, as I don't know much about editing images yet. (I would take anything, work or knowledge). I log in on IRC often if anyone wants to contact me.
Creator of Shattered Paradise and Nomad Galaxy. WARNING, there are tons of gifs on both pages.

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Post by Sircrashalot »

Hi i would help you with balance.
Do you have a steam account?

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Post by Nolt »

August Update, WARNING: This post contains a great amount of animated images. This is a clone of the article I posted on MODDB yesterday.

A few months have passed since the last update, a lot a things got in, some units got reworked, some dummy workarounds have been replaced with proper traits, and the most important incorporation are the new Super Weapons.


First things first, CABAL’s artillery got reworked, the idea of it being a sneaky unit that slowly dealt damage didn’t fit his style, instead now it’s a heavy mech that floods the enemy with drones and also converts killed enemies into cyborgs, nom nom nom. Their tier 1 anti armor drone has been removed from the rooster and it was replaced by something more interesting...


It’s a hover drone that can be deployed, once it’s deployed it cloaks itself and will fire on any target near without breaking it’s cloak, similar to a good old Zerg Lurker, well I played Lurker Defence for years so there was no way I wasn’t going to add something like it, the only catch it has is that this unit also converts killed enemies into cyborgs, so it can be useful for defence and ambush operations (Cabal’s main turret is anti armor, so this unit pairs well with those).


The Forgotten Bull got a new mechanic since I felt that aura units give little to the gameplay, so it switched to something more active, when attacking, it will spit gas as its enemy as well as it will also release hormones nearby, making any putting infantry units near in a berserk mode, that means their speed is increased along it’s attack speed, but they also lose health in the process, at the start I tweaked them so your units could die from the effect of your toxins, but since that can also lead to some good amounts of trolling, the poison will stop draining health when the unit has less than 60% health, here you can see an example of how not to use the unit, the lesson here is that you should be very careful when using the Bull and also the Forg MRLS, which is the unit that created those nasty gas clouds.


Another small detail with the Forgotten Beasts that I felt was needed to differentiate them from standard infantry is that now once they reach less than 50% health they become frenzied, which means they become uncontrollable but gain increased combat stats, mostly damage resistance, speed and attack speed, they heal back to a controllable state moderately fast once the fight is over of course but yeah, beasts are not meant to be disciplined and controllable, so be careful how you handle them in a fight.


Also, I decided to give the Scrin Colossus an aura damage effect when ordered to deploy, similar to a desolator, the reason for this is that the unit was mostly a tanky infantry that could be ignored very easily.


Finally we also got Super Weapons, for this mod I decided to follow the red alert 1 and 2 Super Weapon designs, meaning 1 Offensive power and one utility power, now I’m going to show you an improved version of the Forgotten and Scrin superweapons, which was made possible thanks to the effort of Graion Dilach.



CABAL also has his own Super Weapon: a Plasma / Energy / Hype cannon named after my favourite band that fires three shots at the targetted area, I’m still unsure how I am going to balance all of this but, atleast it exists.


About the Forgotten and CABAL support super weapons, the Forgotten get to spawn neutral Veinhole monsters on the map and CABAL will be able to flood a location with nanomachines, repairing nearby units and converting any fallen unit into cyborgs, I would show some graphics for those but there are not enough to justify.

Finally, even tho the Beta stage of the mod could be considered ready at this point (the primary goal is completed but the game still misses sounds, voices, maps and animations), the mod won't be released in this website until the Tiberian Sun mod for OpenRA is out, that doesn't mean people can't play it tho, you are free to join as a tester if you desire to, the mod still lacks a great deal of balance, so any help in this matter would be really apreciated. Join my discord server if you are interested! (My GMT is -3).

That is all, I hope you like what you see, until next time.
Creator of Shattered Paradise and Nomad Galaxy. WARNING, there are tons of gifs on both pages.

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Post by Holloweye »

Awesome stuff, keep it coming!

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Post by Inq »

Looks great!

Super Weapons looks a little OP... :lol:

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Post by Nolt »

Inq wrote: Looks great!

Super Weapons looks a little OP... :lol:
I strongly disagree


^ Please don't take that gif seriously. anyway, a pair of updates.

I improved the Colossus area shock effect


An improved drop pod logic.


Carrier logic.

Creator of Shattered Paradise and Nomad Galaxy. WARNING, there are tons of gifs on both pages.

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Post by lucassss »

Looks very awesome, hopefully we can do more 1v1 this weekend.

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Post by Matt »

Nolt wrote: An improved drop pod logic.

How did you do that? It is interesting for the vanilla TS Firestorm mod as well

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