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Combined Arms

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:20 pm
by General Slavik
Hello all!

I'm new here, prompted within Combined Arms to make and link an account on the forum. Well, I'm glad to be amongst fellow C&C fines.

The CA mod is fantastic, a lot of fun, and quite challenging!

I've heard there are still balance issues though. In an online match I got mashed by Navy SEAL spam. Am I just rubbish or are 50 commandos backed up by other forces near impossible to stop? Let me know!

And please discuss anything else you want to.


Re: Combined Arms

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:35 pm
by Darkademic
Hello! We have a Combined Arms Discord, which is where pretty much all the discussion for CA happens, if you want to join that:

Spamming Navy SEALs isn't really practical since they cost $1000 each, so you'd be sacrificing a lot of army mass. It's more likely the opponent just had more stuff, or you had a composition that was ineffective against them. Happy to look at any replays for further analysis though. As of right now there are no balance issues on my list to investigate; over the last ~4 years that's hardly ever been the case!