Dune RWM mod

Review of Dune 2K personal HARD-CORE mod fully completed. HC L&A = Leaders & Assassins

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Dune RWM mod

Post by Markis »

https://resource.openra.net/maps/56869/ Playable online for 20210321. At start link for my last Dune 2K map what i have been made before my game rest. The mod will be not updated anymore. It seem to be alright in all terms. But accord the my customs from the old Dune II this is a hard-core desert warfare mod. Modified about the new strategic and tactical elements but in core still same game. Very new and great is resized combat XP for units. Player´s skill benefit which is really very important for some high ranked units. In original rules it was mostly linear economic power, but there are more other ways. More options how to get highly valued units which cannot be bought. Even simple Light infantry can gain high rank of Level 5 General and be very important for the battlefield even more than group of combat tanks. ( Practical example is wall of enemy defense towers, there you should find advantage of the high-ranked unit at Rank 5 and reveal them from the save distance and use the siege tanks to destroy them safely without any own losses ) Every rank have increased range of fire. At start the missile towers are countering every unit and also can be blocking enemy caryall support = My maps are usually made for this kind of strategy. But when the siege tank get rank 3 and higher, he should be able to fire on the missile towers without her returned fire. Every time check your units. Some time you will get very high-ranked unit at level 6 = Its that sheriff gold star. In this mod such unit is gaining additional money over time, and player should get this unit out of combat and replace her by another level 5 rank with a same supervision function already. Sometime the game is hard, and player is unlucky to get those high rank or special Ordos assassins guilt execute them. The mod L&A proves his name = Leaders and Assassins. Because every single infantry have his potential high value. There are new multi-functions Engineers with a abilities for healing the troops or repair the vehicles directly on the battlefield.Additional they have best use standing near the buildings for the auto maintenance. The high-technological structures especially the wind-plants naturally suffered a lot by hostile desert environment just same like it was in old Dune II. A single engineer can handle 2-4 structures in his 8 surrounded squares radius. This is game element for the weaker trikes against the vehicles and structures, but practical secondary assassin function and her great value at level 5. Especially the Ordos Stealth trike at level 5 is most valued recon unit in this mod. Very hard to get and cannot be bought. Only for perfect player skill working. Or lucky kill of 20 enemy engineers. Quad at level 5 is high valued recon unit also, and easier to rank up VS enemy structures and harvesters. The heavy units are usually harder to get into the high-ranks. Cheaper units have better chances and its good that way. Every time i´m playing this mod. I have a very varied army of all units in the game. Why tanks are so slow ? Because its a more natural way to get better infantry than her own ´´Hercules´´ parameters as i saw it in other mods. Especially in the soft sand, the infantry have another combat advantage. Its just a natural law of the desert. The mod is not idealized for a child playing, but approached to RW. 1/4 tribute of sudden strike = it was inevitably reflected in this mode, which parameterized the older player of this game as well. Why harvesters are so slow ? Because every very heavy vehicle is very slow. Cannot be fast, its looking so unnaturally how so heavy vehicle escape from the worm. It was primary mod intention highlight the desert trap of Arrakkis based on actual released cinema. First of all, for the older ones who wanted to get closer to the cruel reality of the movie in the game and experience it... and primarily, of course, the author of the fashion himself. The mod has a small drawback with the three largest buildings taking up the most squares with the one in the middle being the highest. If the player automatically learns to build silos next to them, and place one engineer above the one in the middle of the building. The game runs 100% without any game bugs. = (This is a usual problem due ´´auto-concrete ON´´, but VS A.I only Auto-concrete is playable normally ) Difficulties Omnius, Vidious, Gladius. For the late game and 20 000 starting credits as hardest base settings for player vs A.I its significant differences per strength of economy for the each their another classifications. Omnius = Easy late game max 8 harvesters, Vidious 10 and Gladius 15. At standard settings 5000 starting credits the A.I have sometime trouble in my maps to get strong economy and they are very easy for the experienced players in this mod. Those worms are now quite merciless. Give him trike to eat voluntarily for a good sacrifice rather than your harvester will be eaten. Of course, the Hard-Core mode and his authors maps are more demanding on the player's technique and strategic-tactical thinking. Ultimately, however, the strategic intellect of individual players and teams will be measured more here in the hard mode. Someone complained about Harkonnen too much, but look at it this way...His technologies are only strong and expensive but not special. He is quite powerless against sabotages while two others have something for this kind of tactic. Additional Harkonnen is lack on the free power units = May be critical disadvantage for a very limited or difficult maps lack on renewable resources. His devastators are slow for control the large front. Combined army of bazookas and rocket launchers supported by regular battle tanks can defeat them with a skillful micro tactician. Map author himself is using the combat maneuvers very often in this mod. Its just necessarily to learn it. Also something like a ´´proper killing claim´´ for get those higher valuable ranks-up can be very useful way how play this L&A mod most efficiently. Some advantage in this desert hell. The player can build the defense towers in different queues and have them ready to place in case of enemy sudden attack while normal base buildings are under construction. The siege tanks are primary now vs towers which are very cheap and with a lower energy requirement. Deviator was changed. For a old player the gas capturing the tanks and no harming the infantry was quite a nonsense. Regular siege missile launcher with a burst of high-explosive rockets is my alternative. ( Way of soviet Katyusha, or Battleship cinema missile launcher ) Much better vs group of infantry than less rate of fire siege tanks and mainly inaccurate. In short = Core of game is still same. There are only one ,,new´´ unit and new functions of existing ones. Also core gameplay was resized per larger combat XP range of options. 1) Engineer as i told Healing & Repairs. 2) Saboteur-Assassin as cinema predator constant stealth until he shoot from his close-range but very deadly laser designed to eliminate leaders and high-ranking officers primary. 3) Thumper = Kindjal infantry using the Grenade-launcher as secondary. Do not forget hold-fire command when you want to use his primary ability ´´lure worm´´ because when he shoot on the enemy harvester you will warn the human player. ´´New unit´´ is fremen rebel available in Atreides barracks after some upgrades. Finally the player can have infinite number of them. But they are quite expensive and player must be a very skillful to use them practically for the ambushes and traps. Their cloak were changed as natural camouflage while standing ONLY and holding the fire what player should to disable in command panel when Fremen have a high-rank 5 for example ( You want him to spying the enemy territory ). Auto-fire enabled when he leaves the barracks was the other player required change. Just practical exchange of original Saboteur and Fremen cloaks each to other. This sacrifice in the name of quantity was a good choice. Any way in terms of natural logic the Saboteur is Ordos Palace §§§ HIGH-TECHNOLOGY §§§ Stealth trike is very expensive, but her options of sabotages and spying are very great. Rafinery blocking and similar tricks. Original was unbalanced in usual terms noobs VS experienced ones. Ordos too much and insidiously technical in original rules. Simple but strong Harkonnen is still lesser evil in terms of balance for me. On the end: the custom mod were designed for a more natural combat effects in harmony of size to size. Best Regards: Markis de Noob going on the game rest finally.

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