Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA

Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA

Post by abcdefg30 »

OpenRA streams, casts and videos

Official OpenRA youtube
> Youtube

FiveAces - announcement thread
> Youtube - frequent uploader!

> Twitch
> Youtube - frequent uploader!

> Twitch

Blackened's Barracks
> Youtube

> Youtube

> Youtube
> Dune2000 modding videos, Generals Alpha, Sole Survivor mod and more

Blakes Sanctum
> Youtube

> Youtube

Formerly active channels & other video content of OpenRA:

- Biomecaman (RAGL Minions casts)
- ZxGanon_ (Mostly SP and RV)
- Lundiz (RA Vods)
- Netnazgul: Twitch|Youtube (RAGL, Dark Tournament)
- Orb (King of the Hill tournament, Academy videos)
- Zaqzorn (RAGL)
- Kochevnik: Twitch|Youtube (Russian)
- Soscared (A lot of casts, Red Alert)
- AoA General (AoA General's War Room, Tiberian Dawn)
- Lynn Kincheloe (6 big team tournament videos)
- Henry the Slav (9 commented multiplayer videos)
- MasterofRoflness (6 videos, Red Alert)
- Corrode Casts (Dark Tournament and a few other casts, German/English)
- DanRobzProbz (Red Alert videos)
- Scantanious Combustion (Tiberian Dawn gameplay against the AI)
- Gaming@3440x1440 (Red Alert casts)
- Shpooky (Red Alert, Tiberian Dawn videos)
- ZombieInfektion (Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn campaign playthroughs)
- Ryan Chamberlain (Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn campaign playthroughs)
- OpenRA Operation Replay (Two Red Alert casts)
- Navnik BHSilver (Videos for all mods, including Tiberian Sun)
- Silenvo (Red Alert multiplayer videos)
- FRenzy (Red Alert casts)
- Hypercube33 (Red Alert, Tiberian Sun videos)
- Poi (Tiberian Dawn videos)
- Lazy Gecko Games (Tiberian Dawn casts)
- Lorrydriver (Several vods, Red Alert)
- Smittytron (2 vods, Red Alert)
- HecthorDoomhammer (Tag Team Tournament, DoomHammer 1v1 Red Alert tournament)
- Spy/TheRoungeLounge: Twitch|Youtube (North American 1v1 Tournaments 1-5, Red Alert)
- CorpseGrinder360 (Livestream recordings, Red Alert)
- Plasmic (Six Red Alert casts)
- Hecthor Doomhammer (Hecthor Doomhammer's Red Alert 1vs1 Tournament)
- Doomsday (One 'Teaching Red Alert' video)
- Doomsday (Inactive Twitch channel)
- Tremplergaming (Inactive Twitch channel)
- Memersclub/Anjew (Inactive Twitch channel)
- Hamb: Twitch|Youtube (Big Team Tournament, Renegade 2D)
- Tailix (Dune 2000 and Red Alert)
- BoolBada (Modding videos)
- Kyrylo (Kyrylo first person and 'Real Map Talk' videos, Red Alert)
- Bored Man (2 games, Red Alert)
- Ryan Cooper (3 games, Tiberium Origins)
- Patchworth plus (3 videos, commented skirmish)
- Massimiliano Schettino (3 videos, commented skirmish)
- Meldrian (3 Dune2000 skirmish, German comments)
- PGC Dani (6 commented videos, Red Alert, teamspeak)
- Ancient Transcripts (3 Red Alert videos, Chinese commentary)
- EnchJini (3 commented games Tiberium Dawn)
- FallenShogun (10 TD & RA games, English)
- Holarse (Videos of all mods, German)
- Professor Yana's Forsaken Outpost (Three mission playthroughs)
- Lucas van Geloven (Two Red Alert highlights)
- Comrade Reporting (Three Red Alert casts)
- Mr Chaser (Several Red Alert videos, Russian)
- Blackhand69 (Twitch channel with currently no OpenRA content, German)

Non OpenRA Twitch Streams
Long list of C&C Twitch streamers, many non OpenRA

Downloadsite for Replays

Link to OpenRA replays downloadsite.
Upload and download your favorite replays (sign in or your uploads are not visible!). Wub the replay if you thought it was a good game so the best games come out on top!

Information for content creators

Want to be included on this list? Just write a comment on this thread, send me a PM or leave a message on Discord.
If you stream on Twitch: Don't forget to archive your broadcasts - to keep your VoD available for a longer time.
Also consider exporting your videos to Youtube. Read more about archiving, highlighting and exporting videos here.

Advertise your streams and new uploads on Reddit! Relevant subs:
Made review of OpenRA? r/GameReviews, r/VideoGameReviews
A game or Let's Play? r/LetsPlayVideos, r/LetsPlay
Going to stream OpenRA? r/VGStreams
And post them to the OpenRA channel: r/OpenRA
Also post your tournaments to r/Esports
Announce your broadcast on the OpenRA Discord in #twitch-youtube

- First Livestream/Youtube topic
- Second Livestream/Youtube topic

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Re: Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA

Post by Rekampamboon »

This is great! Thanks.

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Re: Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA

Post by milkman »

Since I've been somewhat active in casting OpenRA in the last few months, I finally feel qualified to add some self-promotion to this list

I'm trying to preserve the more interesting content as Twitch highlights so have a look at those if you're craving OpenRA vids =)

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Re: Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA

Post by abcdefg30 »

Thanks, updated the list a bit.

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Re: Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA

Post by ORA_CN-Hans »

After playing RAGL since S8, uploading pov games since RAGL S9 and casting OpenRA games since S11, I guess it's the time to announce myself and my channel here.
Here is my channel:
And my stream:
NOTE: I also create other contents beyond OpenRA, like RA2, but most videos are about OpenRA and they are in Chinese language.

Also I would like to change my forum ID to ORA_CN-Hans (if the nationality things are not allowed, then just "Hans the Cat"), to fit the identity of a Chinese OpenRA caster.
Translating OpenRA Into Chinese...

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