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Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:03 pm
by Adrian
Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

In my humble opinion, it will be not bad to do next things.

But Dune2000 mod is very good ALREADY, in 2020.

T e x t.
Sometimes it is too little.


Mission objectives.
Very little text. Almost not readable. But this is important text.
Singleplayer - Missions (Menu)

Floating Text.
For example, when Harvester near Refinery, and something like "+100" is going up.
Very little text. Not readable too.
Not very important text, but I would like to use FloatingText() function for my own little modifications of Dune2000. If it is possible.

Display Messages.
Sometimes the messages are not good visible. But they can be important.
May be to do them slightly bigger and brighter?

In general, about text.
May be to add something for "Text size" in user "Settings" menu?

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:14 pm
by Adrian
M a p _ E d i t o r.

- - -

Is it possible to calculate energy of Wind Traps in Map Editor?
Sometimes it is not enough energy in new created/modified maps.
So it needs to run game to test it, then Map Editor, then game again.

- - -

Is it possible to make menu slightly longer?
I mean menu where Tiles, Overlays, Actors...

The menu becames shorter if to increase zoom here:
Settings - Display - UI Scale.

I prefer 125% there. And menu then is much shorter than it is 100%.

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:38 pm
by Adrian
Does somebody read it? :-) Does somebody need it?
I hope so.

An easy thing (I believe) first.

M a p _ E d i t o r.

Tab Actors.
Now there are units "Carryall.reinforce" first, and "Carryall" later.
May be to change the order?
"Carryall" first, and (rarely used!) "Carryall.reinforce" after that.

- - -


There is a trick in original "Dune 2000".
If "Stealth Raider" stands on Refinery tray, where (enemy) Harvester usually is uploading, then the Harvester cannot upload. I hope, I write it clear enough.
In OpenRa Dune the Raider just can shoot on Refinery tray...

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:51 pm
by abcdefg30
You can force move by holding down 'Alt' while giving the move command.

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:24 am
by Adrian
Thank you. The trick with refinery tray really works, if to use "force move".

funny, "Alt" does not work in my Linux (Kubuntu 19.10). I mean, in "Dune 2000".

"Force move" works, when I choose the button "Force Move" at the bottom of screen.

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:07 pm
by abcdefg30
Yeah, some window managers seem to intercept the Alt key, so you'll have to fix that on your end, see OpenRA/OpenRA#12205.

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:02 pm
by Adrian
I try an option "Lock Mouse to Window".
Now "Alt" works.

Settings -> Input

Re: Some modest wishes/requests about Dune 2000.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:30 pm
by Matt
If you can't read the text then go to your Windows settings and change the "zoom" or DPI. It will scale all windows including OpenRA if you use the latest playtest.