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Chrono Tank Buff

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:51 am
by doggo the pupper
The Chrono Tank gets still rarely used, there could be more fun made in using it. :lol: For the few people who are more tech players it would be a possible route and useful equivalent to the tesla tank.

There are different ways to buff it, how about posting your thoughts too? Here's are some ideas that could get tested for balance.

  • Similiar like the Chrono legionaire in RA2 the Chrono Tank might get the function to chrono away an enemy vehicle if you wait loooong enough.
  • Or if the tank dies the husk could get chronoed back next to your repair pad, so you have the option to put a mechanic inside and retrieve it
  • Adding an infantry ray next to the already existing rocket, so the Chrono Tank can deal with occasional infantry - adding a long wait time though for the shot, maybe 3x times the reload time of the tesla tank?
  • Being able to put an infantry inside the chrono tank, which changes its qualities. The infantry is lost in the process. You could put in a medic, a mechanic, or other units, as far as the mechanic and medic is concerned the healing time must be very slow, maybe that of a mammoth tank. A rocket soldier would change the shooting rate, so the enemy also knows there is a rocket soldier inside.
I think the high tech unit for the hight tech faction should be used more and that Russia needs lategame something to hassle them a little more. :)