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Redeployable MCVs option

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:16 am
by winftw
This feature can reduce excessive base creeping by hindering construction yards' ability to advance, retreat and relocate on the frontlines. You see, if there is a handful of MCVs waiting around then they can be taken out easily or forced to be permanently deployed in a bad location. And if a badly damaged con yard can't be moved back to safety for repairs then the MCV won't be moved too far forward in the first place. Also this option would make Tanya more useful vs con yards because most players just undeploy when they see a Tanya near their totally undefended con yard. In westwood games the default setting is to not let con yards undeploy but they also have an option to allow it.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 10:35 am
by newwe
The main problem is that it would make the flame rush pretty hard to stop. I'm not sure Tanya needs to me more useful. I'd prefer slightly nerfing MCVs to this if we feel they are OP.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 11:18 am
by kyrylo
I think it's a nice feature to have (voted 'yes'). However, I disagree that it should be an option. It shouldn't be configurable at all. I would love to see this implemented like this: an MCV can undeploy only once. Undeploying is a nice element of the game, but it must be nerfed vastly, so you should use it wisely. Basewalking should exist, but it should be harder to perform.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 3:30 pm
by BaronOfStuff
+1 for this.

Would be a nice option to have, and all without really breaking any actual gameplay balance regardless of setting.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 4:29 pm
by JOo
would break a couple of things ...

- packing up so tanya cant c4
- packing up before engineer has the chance to "lock & capture"
- shake off artillery-fire when under shroud
- save a mcv from getting nuked

mcv's buildtime should be reasonable .... cause scott just tuned it down to almost 30 seconds ... from "60" ... the reason for this was ... beause we have addet the "Buildradius" at that time ... also to prevent more against basewalks ...

i would say , we should make it like between 40 - 50 seconds ...

the rules about "mcv's / construction conyards" should be consistent ... and not have a option to turn off ...
think about it for a minute ... when theres for every unit / building /feature a option to turn it "off" ... then you probably play every game different , aka you dont play with consistent rules that allow you to develop strategys ... skill ... because you rely on certain laws of the game ...

people sometimes forget that they always could make their own maps , with their own rules ... even clone openra , and make their own gameplay

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:53 am
by Prince Blueblood
Turn off MCV deployment in RA will end up giving the already information disadvantaged Soviet more disadvantage... because the best support for late game mammoth steamroll is constantly moving MCV churning out barracks and infantry near the frontline (to provide expendable meatshields aka infantry)

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 8:59 pm
by raymundo
I feel this can't be an option, mcv must be redeployable, it breaks the game and completely changes everything. We couldn't just have an on/off toggle, too many other things will need to be rebalanced against this.

also, im not really sure what voting yes or no is for, yes we should have the option, or yes mcv should be redeployable? if the second i would vote yes, mcvs should be redeployable, and no, we shouldn't have the option.