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Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:14 am
by Matt
It would be nice if the thief could be added again but not to only steel money, but also units and technology.
  • Refinery/Silo: steel money, maybe few dollars over time to really bankrupt the enemy or steel the next ore truck that unloads here
  • Barracks/Factory/Port/Construction Yard/Tech/Repair: steel blueprints (build enemy units/buildings)
  • Radar: steel maps (reveal shroud as the enemy sees it)
  • Nuke: steel the warhead (resets enemy timer and adds the progress to your bomb timer)
  • Airfield: steel the radio (removes spy plane/paratroopers and gives it to the other player)
  • Helipad/Airfield: steel the next plane/chopper that lands here
  • Anti Air: steel target control (shut all air defense down or make it not hit [every time])
  • Power Plant: steel energy/batteries (you get more power, enemy loses some)
  • Tanks: steel the vehicle (it becomes yours)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:08 pm
by Proteus
Hmm... a lot of these ideas could certainly work for a hijacker unit! I'd like that.

The radar idea is from the original RA, Spies did this
Stealing blue prints sounds like an awesome idea, one at a time and what not

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:31 pm
by BaronOfStuff
Some of the ideas are fine, but then others are just ridiculous when you think about it. Stealing aircraft offers no real benefit, it'd just be shot down the moment it tried leaving the enemy base (if it hadn't already been blasted while on the Airfield/Helipad). Hijacking vehicles is another 'good in theory, close-to-awful in practice' idea; it could no doubt work comfortably on Ore Trucks, but Tanks or other combat vehicles? Much like Aircraft, the newly-captured vehicle would most likely just be blown to pieces by surrounding vehicles within seconds (and that's only if it doesn't kill the approaching Thief outright). Too much reliance on there being only one enemy vehicle in the area.

Stealing tech is a good idea though, considering that Engineers currently only capture enemy structures, and not the build options with it. Possibly also allow you to build units at a basic 'promoted' status if the enemy is playing as the same faction. Would probably have to limit things to only one 'bonus' for each category from each side though, to prevent sending a rush of Thieves in and acquiring a whole load of supertech from a War Factory, then just spamming Elite vehicles.

Some of these ideas would be more ideal for the Spy, though. In particular messing with/resetting any Superweapons or other powers. Literally stealing the timer progress on any Superweapon/power I have to absolutely disagree with though. That just sounds incredibly cheap and nasty.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:02 pm
by Kanar
One would also have to consider the cost/usage-factor.

I dunno what such a spy would cost, but lets say $500 - if you steal a single unit like an ore truck or helicopter for $1100, you have not won much considering that you have 1) wasted build time for the thief and b) have to make all the efforts (which requires your attention on the battlefield, what could be needed somewhere else) to get into the enemy base and steal it, while you also could have send an engineer or Tanya, who could have achieved much more.

I am not saying it would be a bad idea, i just want to remind to consider things like these.

Maybe the spy could be upgraded?