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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:32 pm
by avalach21
anjew wrote:
avalach21 wrote: lol again I don't need someone condescendingly telling me "no you will learn that it is better this way." I fully understand why it would be useful - the harvester example you give is reasonable but I don't really drag huge boxes over my entire base ever... just my playing style. I usually have my units set to various hotkeys.. and yes you can say my engineer will run out in front of the battle but as I said.. I know how to micro properly and wouldn't let this happen.. I have played C&C for decades and been able to micro my engineers properly without this implemented behavior..
I'm not being condescending, I was merely pointing out the benefit but you are suggesting you are so superior that the logic has never ever benefited you at all, which i actually think is quite condescending. Apparently you are better than most players here because thats a very easy mistake to make.
lol I'm not being condescending. All I'm saying is that for my personal preference and play style, I would prefer for the game to behave as all the original C&Cs have. Everyone has their own style of microing, and yes to be honest it rarely if ever is beneficial to me and more often then not, it overcomplicates my microing process. I understand that others may enjoy this functionality, so that is why I am requesting it remain as the default setting for all to enjoy, and simply give us an option to disable this behavior if preferred.
eskimo wrote: Realistically i don't think it needs a change. As we can see with Mo's topic he would like to see medics, mechanics and radar jammers not require micro. We could also go down the route of selecting defence and having mcvs redeploy and move with one click also. Ignoring air units which was a TD thing originally too.

There's also the idea of holding a key while dragging to allow only X unit selected. Should this be devided into inf/tank, combat/non-combat, or into 20 odd categories, or fully customisable.

But then we get to the point the game is being party played for us and requires less practice.
I am not requesting any absurd complicated feature. I am not requesting the game be dumbed down so that it "requires less practice." or "not require micro". In fact you guys seem to think this feature is oh so beneficial and useful, so if anything my request apparently is raising the skill requirement for micro and practice rather than the opposite. I am simply asking for a very small change to allow the option for the game to behave as every single classic Westwood C&C released did..

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:38 pm
by lucassss
I must say that for ore trucks I agree they should be included (both for ore truck rush and for moving them away quickly when you have infantry near them). However, engineers are usually only used in special circumstances, in which you want individual control anyway. No need to mass select them by default.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:43 pm
by Clockwork
"I am not requesting any absurd complicated feature. I am not requesting the game be dumbed down so that it "requires less practice." or "not require micro". In fact you guys seem to think this feature is oh so beneficial and useful, so if anything my request apparently is raising the skill requirement for micro and practice rather than the opposite. I am simply asking for a very small change to allow the option for the game to behave as every single classic Westwood C&C released did.."

I find it a bit funny there are complaints about your valid suggestion of "dumbing the game down" and to "learn how to micro better" but most were in favor of pushing through the targeting changes which reduced the skill level due to "aimbot" as Abarrat calls it so you can't really win :)

I completely agree with Avalach21 and it would be a very nice feature. I would certainly use it but if others don't want it then that's fine hence an option checkbox.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:00 pm
by hotze
Old players will remember that the behaviour used to be like this and it was deliberately changed because people complained that engis, etc were also selected and moved.

Seems to me like the devs can't make everyone happy.

Instead of nagging and requesting stupid changes constantly, why not let them work on and finish TS instead so you can moan some more there then?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:14 pm
by avalach21
hotze wrote: Old players will remember that the behaviour used to be like this and it was deliberately changed because people complained that engis, etc were also selected and moved.

Seems to me like the devs can't make everyone happy.

Instead of nagging and requesting stupid changes constantly, why not let them work on and finish TS instead so you can moan some more there then?

lol ok, if you put it that way, yes, please halt ALL changes and focus on getting TS up and running. I completely agree.. that would be rad.

Unfortunately, I don't think it works that way. I imagine this change wouldn't take all that much development time... and yes the devs can't make everyone happy by forcing one way or the other... a way to make everyone happy is by giving the player a choice and allowing them to select what makes them happy.. which is what has been requested all along in this thread :-)

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:15 pm
by zinc
hotze wrote: Old players will remember that the behaviour used to be like this and it was deliberately changed because people complained that engis, etc were also selected and moved.

Seems to me like the devs can't make everyone happy.

Instead of nagging and requesting stupid changes constantly, why not let them work on and finish TS instead so you can moan some more there then?
Well in this case, they *could* make everyone happy, because the request is for it to be a game option. This isn't something important to me personally, but I can kind of understand because I would hate not having the original left-click orders as an option. It's a bit harsh to call this a "stupid change" even if it's not going to be a priority.

An issue not that different... If you have selected a group of units like a load of yaks but also included a sub (it was in the area when you selected the yaks) then that seems to mess up your targeting to attack.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:36 pm
by Sleipnir
IMO having a checkbox in the input settings to enable/disable the selection priorities is a reasonable idea. Would you mind creating an issue for this at

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 4:41 pm
by Clockwork
Sleipnir wrote: IMO having a checkbox in the input settings to enable/disable the selection priorities is a reasonable idea. Would you mind creating an issue for this at
Thank you very much :) was actually a thing in the back of my head I never really thought of until this thread.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:14 pm
by avalach21
Sleipnir wrote: IMO having a checkbox in the input settings to enable/disable the selection priorities is a reasonable idea. Would you mind creating an issue for this at
Yes definitely :-) I was thinking of adding an issue on github but figured I would feel out here if others would be interested in this option or if it was just me.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:09 pm
by camundahl
As an option would be good. I personally don't have an issue with the current behavior.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:19 pm
by eskimo
If it becomes an option that is a bonus. But without it the dbl click Q order becomes redundant.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:42 pm
by avalach21
eskimo wrote: If it becomes an option that is a bonus. But without it the dbl click Q order becomes redundant.
to be honest, the q order has nothing to do with this. I don't want to select all the units on the screen or all the units across the map. I want to select all the units within the box i click and drag regardless of what type of unit they are.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:33 am
by netnazgul
On the other hand I'd like hijackers to be excluded as well - they are weaponless and only special-attack vehicles. Also they are faster than other infantry units.