Recommendation for RA Style Aircraft ammo system in TD.

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Recommendation for RA Style Aircraft ammo system in TD.

Post by Mechswordsman »

Simply put, aircrafts in Tiberium Dawn shouldn't be able to float just out of vision range (Since the popular method for map vision in the game is Shroudless with Fog instead of the other way around like in days gone past), to be able to immediately poke back out and with their superior speed to nip at powerplants, once their ammo supply has been completely depleted. It allows people who have already gotten ahead by doing such to get even more ahead with even less investment. It also negates any reason to have more then one helipad, thus making the investment into aircraft a lot less then it should be for the things you get.

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Post by Mor60 »

Current model of Aircraft is better, than classic RA. But, better to nerf Orca`s and Apache firepower/attack rate, cause they are really overpowered with their moving speed .

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Post by AoAGeneral »

The Nod SSAM and GDI APCs actualy make short work of the aircraft. Ridiculously fast. Using both of these units is more then enough to stop aircraft from doing any such thing. Specifically since APCs move fast and SSAM has a long range that does AoE splash.

Because as it turns out once you have those specific anti air Apache and Orca cant do anything anymore. It becomes a stale unit that is only viable to keep a contain on the enemy.

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Post by AgentAAA »

As AoAgeneral said, aircraft aren't nearly as bad as you might think.
Aircraft ARE an interesting force in TD, as they, at least from my gameplay, exist to punish bad positioning.

If you have a well-put together force with APC's/MSAM's, they'll bury any aircraft without much to think about, but if you leave parts of your base/parts of your army without protection, they're a mechanic that allows someone to really punish bad formation.
However, this goes both ways, as Aircraft themselves can't really survive diving into a situation they can't handle - particularly against Nod's Sam sites and mobile Sams,

This isn't the first argument that's been had about aircraft being too powerful on the site, but for the most part I'd say I believe it to be due to the fact aircraft are among the most skill-dependent units and thus seem very powerful in the hands of veteran players.

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