Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

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Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

This thread documents the results of the poll that was created to create an OpenRA Red Alert Game Balance Report 2024.

Poll results are available in this very thread and on this page: ... -2024/view

The poll was open from 2 March 2024 until 16 March 2024 and distributed in the respective discord servers. 30 players participated. Thanks a lot of that!

It should be noted that the text-based open questions were not mandatory. So not everyone choose to write an answer to those questions.

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Last edited by Yara on Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

Responses to open text questions:

What do you think should be changed to make this game more fun overall?

Nerf defenses to make the game more dynamic. Some units need an overhaul (Tanya). IC and Chrono should maybe also be adapter. Ranger is also a bit too strong. Air Units.

More players

Special units for each faction that are useful / buildable at T1.5

buff tanks

Game seems to be boring or we got older. Idk what's problem but we need different maps which will cause different build orders. Including naval maps with newest Blackend's balance.

Ppl need to stop being scared to play competitively

The maps used in non-competitive multiplayer are a bit repetitive.

modernize the UI of IC/Chrono see how it is done in CA!

Mobilize more comp players


make it less about unit spam

give england better support powers

Delete tanya and hinds

game is fine but it can get boring

Optimization so bigger games can be played

Have some more 1v1v1 and 1v1v1v1v1 maps in the map pool.

A Naval Overhaul followed with more naval maps (or maps with naval potential).

Add more of the allied countries from the base game.

A fair play score to detect toxic players, but hard to put in practice maybe

The game is extremely fun.

I returned after a several year break and am honestly very impressed with how balanced the game is now.

Make teching more useful

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Re: Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

What do you think should be changed to make the Game Balance better?

Giving Soviet some more power. Allies visibility is a problem.

Pre radar ship / flack ship or gun boat for soviets

buff tanks

Naval needs a bit work. New units required.

Chrono sucks

Naval feels pretty bad, I can out-micro subs of most people with destroyers, but if subs are used well the torpedo splash feels very strong. Subs also have better area control by being able to destroy newly built naval yards. As for ground, I feel like static defenses in the early game are too strong, Pillbox and Flamer can basically withstand any early game pressure.

1. add another Armor Type to defences (concrete?) , to create bunker breaker boni for Tanks and atleast V2s 2. give Infantry less dps per cell 3. Reduce the for max production needed WF´s from 4->3 ( because the 7 Rax max production is much cheaper vs the from Vehicle) 4, add the RATL balance to fix the tracking of AA and Yak min. range. Idk about the navy changes needs more testing, but Subs should be better for sure no torpedo tracking isnt great at all.

$800 apc maybe idk

overall balance is good, but i think soviet early game could be a bit better

buff mggs

Stopping balancing based in random comments. Either leave it or come up with a plan that isn't a Frankenstein or random stuff

Allies air is just better than the soviets.


I’d like it if you could ban only atom bomb and not the others because dealing with some unit cheese is way more fun than getting half your base and all of your infantry blown up

maybe nerf the GPS power by making it a power with a timer

Well, I think Allies is a bit better than Soviets overall, mostly it's because of the T1 arsenal for Allies in early game, the LTs and MTs. However, I do believe OpenRA-RA is somehow balanced in the latest 2 seasons. Allies has number advantage for tanks before T2. Soviets has the flak+v2+yak combo before T3 while Allies has arty+blackhawk. Soviets has powerful late game units but Allies still has soft counters. I would say, yeah, it's because of the meta and the production mechanic (cheaper things produced faster), that Allies has a better early game, but Soviets can still do something against Allies. So somehow balanced. Only thing unbalanced is naval.

I feel like the soviets are still a little more powerful than the allies.

The Soviet naval units are a lot stronger than their Allied counterpart.

- Yaks should be more expensive and slower to build (even with multiple airfields) - Yak damage should be reduced against buildings - Flak trucks and SAM sites should do more damage OR else do the same damage but do a small amount of additional area damage to assist taking down large fleets of aircraft

Late game tech units should be more distinct and more impactful

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Re: Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

What units are the most problematic currently?

Ranger, Tanya. MT vs HT imbalance


subs, destroyers, gun boats, missile subs, cruisers


Gun Boat (or naval units in general), the rest seems pretty good.

Tesla tanks are to good in big TG

chrono tank and tesla tank are weird, used too much for crushing their strengths should be made more viable (e.g. removing crushing from both, giving chronotank much faster rotation speed and higher teleport radius or lower cooldown)

tanya and IC i think are too strong by current design tesla tanks are problematic especially in team games but iron curtain makes this issue bigger light tanks are slightly problematic

iron curtain

Mechanics as they allow allies to recover from mcv snipes too easily, where soviets can't

Allies air is far stronger and easier to control than the soviets air.

most can be countered so none

Submarine, I feel like when one has naval supremacy with submarines there is no effective path you can take

Radar jammers blindly driving forward while the rest of the army stops to attack. Same with mechanics and gap generators.

MAD Tank. As a Soviet main, I still can't figure out how to use them well in almost all competitive games.

Tesla Tank

maybe submarines, unbeatable with allies without air support?

Demolition Trucks, Ukraine Parabombers

Soviet naval units.

Yaks (and I exclusively play Soviet)

Tanya (and Soviets having no equivalent)

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Re: Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

Comments on the overall Poll:


Stop trying to over force naval. If I wanted to play the game with very few units, i'd play on lowest tech with rax only, and even then itd have more variety. Also why cant i choose multiplayer and competitive? Unano

The tilesets could have a few more tiles so mapbuilding can be more rewarding. NW to SE bridges for instance.

We need: Naval Overhaul! More Demos, More splash damages, More explosions!

Nothing, thanks ^^ By Amelza

Love ur game! <3

A hotkey to allow units move into the plus(+) formation so that iron curtain or chrono can be applied with ease, right now it takes a lot of micromanaging to get it right.

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Re: Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

blocker 1

Posts: 39
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Re: Results Poll OpenRA Game Balance 2024

Post by Yara »

blocker 2

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