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New to RA - impressed!

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:27 pm
by squidgeny
I just recently started playing this game (knew about it before, but it wouldn't run on my old computer) and can I just say this is one impressive piece of work! Did you code it from the ground up or modify it from the RA code? Either way, it's awesome and I'm equally impressed that such a project has kept enough momentum to come out with a quality product (all too often I see projects like these abandoned before they yield results...)

So, I thought you might find useful my first impressions:

The "Right click to move/attack" thing is odd
It's no big deal because it's very easy to get used to quickly, but what compelled you to take this route? Is it that other RTS games do it? It would be nice if there was an option to use the left-click version in the original.

Edge of map thing is also odd
I find that I can scroll beyond the edge of the map to see inaccessible void. I assume this is because, one high resolutions, it gets awkward to do things in the corner of the screen. But when the map isn't revealed there is no apparent difference between the inaccessible void and the accessible shroud.... even the slightest difference in shading would make this less confusing, I think.

I love the planes
Those little trails that planes leave behind are fantastic :D I also like that you can keep a plane circling on the spot, and I especially like that you can send a plane into shroud, which if I recall was never possible in the original (a major oversight if I do say so myself). I've also heard that planes can attack other planes... haven't had an opportunity to try this yet but looking forward to it :D

Aircraft, I think, are my favourite aspect of RA and I've always been brimming with ideas for aircraft management. If I could make one suggestion, it would be this:

* when you select a number of planes and target an enemy, each plane picks a different enemy in the local area of the target. For example, if you select 10 migs and click on an enemy vehicle, each plane targets a different vehicle in the 'convoy'. (this could be an annoying feature, so maybe it should be relegated to a double-click or ctrl-click, rather than the default)

Also, waypoints - is there a way to set waypoints in the game, so as to create patrol routes? In a game with fog of war, I think the ability to set up patrols adds a dimension.

Welp, keep up the good work, and if I may be nosy: where can I find a list of planned, upcoming features?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:52 am
by squidgeny
Oh! I played some more and have a couple of bug reports:

* I seem to be able to see enemy buildings being constructed, when they should be hidden by shroud. Seems like a bit of a major one - I saw an opponent start up a new base and was able to strike it before he had any defense!
* If I select an enemy unit and it goes into the shroud, I can follow it. Not a big issue.

Oh also, I'm curious as to what algorithms you use to manage the way miners go to ore refineries. I think everyone remembers what a pain in the ass it was for the original RA, where miners go across the map if their local refinery is busy.... what rules do they use now?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 8:21 am
by earthpig
The shroud, at present, is wholly an artificial construct. Your dudes can even shoot what they cannot see.

The right click thing is because of modern RTS conventions.

Waypoints and patrolling are great on paper, but the badasses of RTS games never use them extensively. I agree, however, that they'd be great for casuals that like to do the 1 human versus 2 Rommels and 2 Zhukovs.

(I like finding excuses to mention R and Z because I created them, and have an ego.)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:10 pm
by Matt
squidgeny wrote: Oh also, I'm curious as to what algorithms you use to manage the way miners go to ore refineries. I think everyone remembers what a pain in the ass it was for the original RA, where miners go across the map if their local refinery is busy.... what rules do they use now?
You have to keep in mind that pathfinding is CPU intensive and CnC had to work with a 60 Mhz PC at that time. The current algorithm can be found in ... sources.cs