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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:48 pm
by FreakNigh
Congratulations on the remake! Sadly I wasn't able to try it on windows though =/

Code: Select all

System.InvalidOperationException: GL Error: 1282
   at OpenRA.Renderer.Glsl.GraphicsDevice.CheckGlError()
   at OpenRA.Renderer.Glsl.Shader..ctor(GraphicsDevice dev, String type)
   at OpenRA.Renderer.Glsl.GraphicsDevice.CreateShader(String name)
   at OpenRA.Graphics.Renderer..ctor()
   at OpenRA.Game.Initialize(Arguments args)
   at OpenRA.Program.Run(String[] args)
   at OpenRA.Program.Main(String[] args)
I'm using a year old inspiron dell laptop with windows 7. I have a few questions though.
Is this game open source and how may I access the source?
Also what language is it written in?
How long has it been in development and what is it built off of (like freecnc)?
And what are expected goals of the project (like super huge map support)?

Re: Hi!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:34 pm
by riderr3
FreakNigh wrote: And what are expected goals of the project (like super huge map support)?
may be we can make custom missions in the near future.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:24 am
by chrisf
I'll address your questions one at a time:

> Is this game open source and how may I access the source?

Yes, the game is open source, licensed under GPL3. The source is hosted on github at You can download the source as a tarball from there, or follow the instructions on our Getting Involved page on the website []

> Also what language is it written in?


> How long has it been in development and what is it built off of (like freecnc)?

Since 2007. We looked at freecnc when we started, and decided not to use it. Most of the serious development has been in the last year or so.

> And what are expected goals of the project (like super huge map support)?

The real goal is build the best free software RTS we can build. Huge maps are not that exciting, and create new game design problems (10 minutes to drive across them => not fun). We do strive to be very moddable, so the engine can be (ab)used into doing whatever people want very easily.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:48 am
by Holy_Master
i think big map is interesting idea, it make gameplay different , when people see the map is too large and take many minutes to drive across them , they should relize to proxy their base more often than vanilla c&c. [like supreme commander that make people don't need too stick on just only 1 base.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:27 am
by FreakNigh
What are some of the features that you feel it is currently lacking and plan to implement (sooner or later)?

Btw I respect that your going your own way, if people merely wanted a clone of the original then they should just play the original.

Also do you think you might ever consider charging so that you can potentially work full time and provide a more commercial quality product at a faster rate of development? At least for say, access to the main lobby server or something but the source etc is free.

If you want to do missions you should consider looking at the starcraft use-map-settings trigger model.