Less micro more strategy

Since time began, RTS's have focused on micro and clickspeed over strategy. Simple and fast beats intricate and tactical every time. OpenRA could help boost overall strategy.

Discussion about the game and its default mods.
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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by tovl »

I want to point out that the suggestions you are making are not as radical as some people here would like you to believe. You are definitely not the first to suggest them and we already have issue trackers open for them on github:


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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by anjew »

Demigan wrote:
Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:46 pm
The logical endpoint is not a turn-based strategy game. The logical endpoint is a game where strategy and tactics would be more important than the ability to select and move units.
I don't get this. Tactics is entirely based around how you select and move units and removing that element would objectively make the game less tactical. Micro is almost synonymous with the term tactics from a battlefield point of view. The logical endpoint of putting the emphasis on strategy is Nexus Wars from SC2 (which also exists as a TD mod) and the endpoint of tactical emphasis is Dawn of War 2. Currently all the ORA mods have a balance between strategy and tactics that I think is more beneficial than tipping the scales either way.

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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by major_man »

If I understood correctly, OP would like the emphasis to be on decision making rather than mechanics, so that there would be more energy available for the mental aspects of the game, so to speak. While it would sometimes be nice if the gameplay was less hectic, my main concern with the suggested changes to increase automation is that I think this would actually give more advantage to the players who are already mechanically advanced, rather than leveling the playing field. At any rate, RTS is a genre where you can never completely get rid of the need for speed. In that respect it's more akin to a physical sport than a mental sport.

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Major Kusanagi Motoko
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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by Major Kusanagi Motoko »

Tactics and Strategy are both fundamental concepts of any RealTime Strategy.

As your practice inevitably improves over time,

- such as from examining replays and and taking hints from more advanced, more experienced commanders,
more of the actual strategical decision making:

- solid opening building orders, strategy adaptation and improvisation for each unique situation on the battlefield during each match, field-awareness/scouting, unit composition, changing plans quickly in response to your enemies activity, ect;

as well as hand-eye coordination, micro abilities:
- hotkeys, camera work, precision on selecting units, deciding vectors and timing of attack and defense during combat with each unit, flanks, game-sense, tactics;

with practice, those need a lot less time to execute.

your freedom - or time - to focus more on what you actually want to focus on, increases.
Its all about practice and choice: speed is fundamental, both for Strategical and Tactical aspects in any RTS.

In addition to Tactics and Strategy, id like to point out, that OpenRA is such an advanced remake of the Dune, CnC, RA, and other classics to come, exactly due to its ingame-mechanics, which make them so much more playable in the sense i feel you are trying convey:

Let me say what i mean by ingame-mechanics:
The game's support for how a lot of tasks actually are automated with the option of still being able to override those and control manually, if the situation so demands it:

- such as multiple tanks repairing automatically in sequence, choosing the nearest distance to your or your allies repair pad, the harvesters AI and forward-programming via shift-queue for the nearest path for harvest, way points for production facilities, shift queue orders for more complex, curved vectors of movement or attack for any unit, and many more... which have been improved significantly over the years, and make the game ever more exciting, as it as it grants you more time (besides your practice) to focus on the actual Battle and your choices.

I hope that helped.
Major Out -

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Major Kusanagi Motoko
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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by Major Kusanagi Motoko »

The RA mod, from my experience and humble opinion - offers more emphasis on Strategy as compared to the TD mod, which is much faster paced and emphasizes precision and speed. So hopefully you can find the Mod more suitable for you.

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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by flexibleepoxy »

tiberium sun is insane with micro, mainly when the carryall and mammoth is involved. Disruptor is a little more sane. It feels like a action 3rd person fighting game when you use a carryall with mammoth mk2, insane things are possible

As for OpenRA micro-reducers, how about having mine-layer drop mines on a hot key, so you can drive it towards a location and press D or something to drop mines as it goes, without clicking them, so you can quickly lay minefields. Very cool unit but if you use it in multiplayer you can start to go crazy from the micro required to use it effectively.

Rapid minefield deployment is actually very popular in modern military tactical options, other then the fact that it is politically disruptive. Mines from helicopters, artillery, aircraft, etc. If that gets too crazy, add mine clearing vehicles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine-clearing_line_charge

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Re: Less micro more strategy

Post by flexibleepoxy »

another one to fix is to make medics and mechanics smarter so they don't charge the front lines like knights when they are attack moved in a group of infantry. at least give them melee or sticky grenade tank bombs or something

say have them stay back by 1/3 the calculated average distance from the ranges of the selected units compensated for damage

radar jammers also

trying to use those units is micro intense because they are challenged. they work for the red cross or something thinking they are gonna heal enemy infantry coming out of the buildings targeted by artillery or by rushing a flame turret?
but you don't want a protoss death ball to be the primary strategy either if they are too good

but with their low speed i think it would only help really bad players (good thing)

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